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Great Book
« on: 20 August 2002, 13:12 »
I just read the greatest book. It's called Macintosh: the Naked Truth. This is for Mac and PC users alike and it's hilarious. You can order it here.


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« Reply #1 on: 20 August 2002, 13:15 »
Speaking of books, I am compiling a list of good PC-bashin', Mac promotin' books (I'm not talking about technical manuals) for a new section at my site. If anyone can suggest any and provide links to where they may be ordered from, that would be geat.


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« Reply #2 on: 21 August 2002, 00:42 »
are you still bashing 'PCs'? do you know what an 'operating system' is?

go and read The Rebel Code, by Glyn Moody. For your edification, there's not much about PCs in there, but much less about Macs. (some stuff about Apple though, if i remember right)
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« Reply #3 on: 21 August 2002, 01:12 »
Didn't Apple actually come up with the term PC for "Personal Computer"? Then when IBM came out with a personal computer it was called an "IBM PC". Then all the clones started coming out and they were called "IBM PC Compatible". So PC really stands for any "Personal Computer". I could assume that you then mean x86 based PCs that you are against. Or is it just x86 based PCs that are running Microsoft operating systems?

If Apple put out an x86 version of Mac OS X are you saying you would not use a dual processor "insert distributor here" workstation running OS X even if you could get it for much less and it would perform at least close to what Macintosh hardware you would not use it because it is running on "x86" instead of "PowerPC" processors?  If you are against M$ and for Apple operating systems then I am with you, but I think you should clarify that point.

Maybe it's "WinTel" that would be the more appropriate term as that combines Microsoft Windows and Intel processors. That's not such a bad thing to be against and it is more fitting than "PC". If it is truly the hardware that you are against then I am less with you although I am no fan of Intel. AMD has also done some things to peave me.  I do like PowerPC and RISC processors however they are not as much of a commodity item.
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« Reply #4 on: 21 August 2002, 08:16 »
I've been reading Apple Confidential, by Owen Linzmayer. Quality book. He also wrote The Mac Bathroom Reader, which is also a great, funny book.


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« Reply #5 on: 22 August 2002, 04:02 »
Why must we nitpick? I've been over this a hundred times; I don't like PCs, no matter what OS they are running, but what I'm really against is Windows. I haven't heard anything necessarily bad or good about Linux. So yes, I am bashing PCs. Sorry, Calum, but after reading that book I have to say that.

And we've also been over this a thousand times. If you want to pick apart my words to the point that you miss their meaning altogether, be my guest. I am also confused about why all other machines other than Mac are known as PCs when Mac is also a personal computer (it even says PC on the side of my Performa). But since they are commonly referred to as PCs and I want to people to know what I'm talking about, I am also going to referr to them the same way.

There ya go, VoidMan, two more paragraphs (make that three) for you to pick apart and throw back into my face. Might I suggest you build models or collect stamps instead, though?


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« Reply #6 on: 22 August 2002, 04:29 »
First of all, I am not trying to pick your stuff apart.  I am just uncertain as to whether you really mean you are against the hardware or against Microsoft. Not all other computers other than Mac are PCs. Sun servers/workstations, IBM RS/6000, AS/400, mainframes, HP RISC servers, DEC Alpha, etc, etc, etc are not PCs and they surely don't run Windows.  What exactly don't you like about the PC hardware (Intel, AMD, Soyo, nVidia, ATI, Western Digital, Seagate, IBM, Sony, etc, etc, etc) much of which is also used in building the Macintosh?  I have to assume it is the Windows operating system that you really don't like.  Yes it is true that Windows will only run an in x86 based PC but that doesn't mean "Windows=PC".
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« Reply #7 on: 22 August 2002, 04:51 »
omg, you did it again. You knew exactly what i was talking about, yet once again you chopped it into tiny pieces and missed my whole point.

And I know quite well the difference between those things. Lets get things straight and put them into terms you can understand.

Microsoft (large, evil corporation full of meanies) =hate

Windows (crappy software) =hate

PCs (hardware known for its crappiness but not necessarily crappy in all cases) =dislike

Linux (software that has something to do with a penguine) =not enough info to form an opinion



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« Reply #8 on: 22 August 2002, 04:55 »
Thank you.
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« Reply #9 on: 22 August 2002, 18:52 »
Wow, a thread degrades into a semantic argument in less than 10 posts.  

Anyway, I have nothing personally against PC hardware. Some of it is pretty nice. My disdain is focused squarely on Windoze.


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« Reply #10 on: 22 August 2002, 21:10 »
'Crypto' by Steven Levy is a good book although entirely unrelated to any OS bashing or Worshipping.
Contains scenes of mild peril.


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« Reply #11 on: 22 August 2002, 21:45 »
I wasn't arguing at all, nor was I upset with anything.  The questions I asked were sincere.  I "believed" he meant "Windows" when he said "PC" and they are apples (no pun intended) and oranges.  I don't have anything against any hardware, unless it is proprietary toward one OS (like winmodems). But I hate M$ with a passion.

I use x86, Power*, PPC, PA and Sparc hardware, they each have their advantages and disadvantages. But when I refer to PC, I use the term referring to the hardware, not the software, and that is how I see it when referenced by anyone else (99.9% of the time). Same with "Mac".  I see it as the hardware that Apple has put together into a computer system.  Then you have the OS, that can run on that hardware.  

On PC you have a wide range of operating systems that can run on it, Windows, Linux, SCO, BSD, Beos, Solaris, etc.  On a Mac you also have at least two operating systems that can run on it, MacOS and Linux.  

I couldn't fathom that he could really hate the hardware, and I would bet that if there were a Mac OS X version for the PC I'm guessing that he wouldn't at that point care one way or the other if he was using a Mac or a PC, they would function the same.

I'm still unsure, but I will let it go because he seems easily irritated.. And by the way, I'm still not arguing even if it appears so..

[ August 22, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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« Reply #12 on: 22 August 2002, 22:00 »
Originally posted by Tux:
'Crypto' by Steven Levy is a good book although entirely unrelated to any OS bashing or Worshipping.

I agree. I just got finished with it, actually. I'm looking for his earlier book, Hackers.


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« Reply #13 on: 23 August 2002, 00:26 »
macman, i too was genuinely confused about what you meant. also, do install mandrake or yellow dog on your mac, and you will then be able to comment on whether you like linux or not, without even having to touch one of those dreaded PCs.
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« Reply #14 on: 24 August 2002, 19:00 »
Oh, fuck this...


I'm not biased, I'm actually using Windows XP to type up th-

Specifications are for the weak and timid!
You question the worthiness of my code? I should kill you where you stand!
Indentation?! - I will show you how to indent when I indent your skull!
What is this talk of 'release'? Klingons do not make software 'releases'. Our software 'escapes' leaving a bloody trail of designers and quality assurance people in its wake.
Klingon function calls do not have 'parameters' - they have 'arguments' - and they ALWAYS WIN THEM.
Debugging? Klingons do not debug. Our software does not coddle the weak.
A TRUE Klingon Warrior does not comment on his code!
Klingon software does NOT have BUGS. It has FEATURES, and those features are too sophisticated for a Romulan pig like you to understand.
You cannot truly appreciate Dilbert unless you've read it in the original Klingon.
Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it and let them flee like the dogs they are!