Operating Systems > macOS
Great Book
'Crypto' by Steven Levy is a good book although entirely unrelated to any OS bashing or Worshipping.
I wasn't arguing at all, nor was I upset with anything. The questions I asked were sincere. I "believed" he meant "Windows" when he said "PC" and they are apples (no pun intended) and oranges. I don't have anything against any hardware, unless it is proprietary toward one OS (like winmodems). But I hate M$ with a passion.
I use x86, Power*, PPC, PA and Sparc hardware, they each have their advantages and disadvantages. But when I refer to PC, I use the term referring to the hardware, not the software, and that is how I see it when referenced by anyone else (99.9% of the time). Same with "Mac". I see it as the hardware that Apple has put together into a computer system. Then you have the OS, that can run on that hardware.
On PC you have a wide range of operating systems that can run on it, Windows, Linux, SCO, BSD, Beos, Solaris, etc. On a Mac you also have at least two operating systems that can run on it, MacOS and Linux.
I couldn't fathom that he could really hate the hardware, and I would bet that if there were a Mac OS X version for the PC I'm guessing that he wouldn't at that point care one way or the other if he was using a Mac or a PC, they would function the same.
I'm still unsure, but I will let it go because he seems easily irritated.. And by the way, I'm still not arguing even if it appears so..
[ August 22, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]
quote:Originally posted by Tux:
'Crypto' by Steven Levy is a good book although entirely unrelated to any OS bashing or Worshipping.
--- End quote ---
I agree. I just got finished with it, actually. I'm looking for his earlier book, Hackers.
macman, i too was genuinely confused about what you meant. also, do install mandrake or yellow dog on your mac, and you will then be able to comment on whether you like linux or not, without even having to touch one of those dreaded PCs.
Oh, fuck this...
I'm not biased, I'm actually using Windows XP to type up th-
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