Operating Systems > macOS
Great Book
Why must we nitpick? I've been over this a hundred times; I don't like PCs, no matter what OS they are running, but what I'm really against is Windows. I haven't heard anything necessarily bad or good about Linux. So yes, I am bashing PCs. Sorry, Calum, but after reading that book I have to say that.
And we've also been over this a thousand times. If you want to pick apart my words to the point that you miss their meaning altogether, be my guest. I am also confused about why all other machines other than Mac are known as PCs when Mac is also a personal computer (it even says PC on the side of my Performa). But since they are commonly referred to as PCs and I want to people to know what I'm talking about, I am also going to referr to them the same way.
There ya go, VoidMan, two more paragraphs (make that three) for you to pick apart and throw back into my face. Might I suggest you build models or collect stamps instead, though?
First of all, I am not trying to pick your stuff apart. I am just uncertain as to whether you really mean you are against the hardware or against Microsoft. Not all other computers other than Mac are PCs. Sun servers/workstations, IBM RS/6000, AS/400, mainframes, HP RISC servers, DEC Alpha, etc, etc, etc are not PCs and they surely don't run Windows. What exactly don't you like about the PC hardware (Intel, AMD, Soyo, nVidia, ATI, Western Digital, Seagate, IBM, Sony, etc, etc, etc) much of which is also used in building the Macintosh? I have to assume it is the Windows operating system that you really don't like. Yes it is true that Windows will only run an in x86 based PC but that doesn't mean "Windows=PC".
omg, you did it again. You knew exactly what i was talking about, yet once again you chopped it into tiny pieces and missed my whole point.
And I know quite well the difference between those things. Lets get things straight and put them into terms you can understand.
Microsoft (large, evil corporation full of meanies) =hate
Windows (crappy software) =hate
PCs (hardware known for its crappiness but not necessarily crappy in all cases) =dislike
Linux (software that has something to do with a penguine) =not enough info to form an opinion
Thank you.
Wow, a thread degrades into a semantic argument in less than 10 posts.
Anyway, I have nothing personally against PC hardware. Some of it is pretty nice. My disdain is focused squarely on Windoze.
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