Operating Systems > macOS

How to destroy the Mac platform:

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Step 1: Become the CEO of Adobe
Step 2: Suggest that you create new Photoshop 8 with new features that everyone wants
Step 3: Make Photoshop 8 native for Windows and Linux ONLY
Step 4: Watch Apple HQ burn

Mac would be TRASHED if Linux got a native and they didn't. Admit it.

I hope Adobe gets sour over Premier and cans Photoshop

IF you could make linux version of photoshop easy to install, with no problems like dependency issues, or making us jump into terminal, etc.. Because, my jaguar box never has that problem. Unless, of course, i am trying to use linux or unix software, and not software written for jaguar. Linux is still not easy to use when it comes to installing software. In fact, i feel that all the linii (hehe, linux-plural  :rolleyes:  ). have to do is have a common, standard installer. somethihng easy, double click, answer yes to all the defaults, then it installs. EASY.

oh yeah. could someone bin this.

The main people that use Photoshop on a PC (purchased versoins anyway) are high-end men with dual xeon workstations and shit like that. THEY don't install linux themselvs, some paid geek does.

think before you speak, geek

i use photoshop "professionally" at work, and no, its not a dual xeon. who the fuck buys a dual xeon to run photoshop? that is a waste of money. And before you ask, all of my software at work is legal. i made the purchase, my boss authorized it.

because someone else installs photoshop, or the os, or whatever, is no excuse for it to be hard to do. Software should be easy to install. If they could do it on the mac, why the fuck can they not do it on redhat, or mandrake, or something. THe mac is *nix. and they made software easy to install. easier than windows. a whole hell of a lot easier than linux. why do i have to play this goddamn dependency game. why does a certain browser depend on another browser just to run? its complete horseshit. software should be self contained, modular elements, that depend on themselves. then it is easy to install, or unistall.

Im gonna leave this thread cuz it shows just how full of shit X11 is  :D


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