Operating Systems > macOS

How to destroy the Mac platform:

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That doesn't justify deleting my non-rulebreaking posts, does it, you stupid fascist.

Just shut up, Mac is trash, you guys are losers, I've PROVED Apple sucks to you and all you do is delete the truth. Whats the point screaming to the deaf... I'm outta here.

THIS will probably be deleted too to cover it up better. What fagotry

how did you prove apple sucks? i could prove linux sucks. easy.

1. linux sucks
2. linux distros sucks because i said so
3. you suck, apple r0x0rz
4. i know linux suck because i used it once for something.

that is so damn convincing, im convinced  

come up with something that makes a linux distro "better" than osx. remember, that list shouldn't be specific for any related tasks, it should wiegh all pros & cons of all systems. even then, for what i do, one system could be better than another, where as that same system would be shit for someone else.

nothing? ha. i thought you already proved it. it should be easy to retype it, considering you already have writen it.


quote: That doesn't justify deleting my non-rulebreaking posts, does it, you stupid fascist.  
--- End quote ---

Which would those be? The pontless incoherent drivell? The blatant flame-bait trolling? or the pornographic images?

quote: Just shut up, Mac is trash, you guys are losers, I've PROVED Apple sucks to you and all you do is delete the truth. Whats the point screaming to the deaf... I'm outta here.
--- End quote ---

Proven it how? By makeing bold assertions with largely subjective content? You have pressented no actual proof, and have expressed everything in exclamatory language geared at generating flame wars.

quote: THIS will probably be deleted too to cover it up better. What fagotry
--- End quote ---

The use of language such as this is forbiden by the forum rules. Cursing is ok, but hate-speach is not tollerated.

So, in acordance with forum rules, FUCK OFF!

[ July 17, 2003: Message edited by: psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax ]

It seems like Adobe would be ruined, or at least lose a lot of profit, if they didn't make Photoshop for Mac, since 99% of graphic artists are Mac users and photoshop is well-used among graphic artists.


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