Operating Systems > macOS

How to destroy the Mac platform:

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Why the hell does this forum have a dead thread zone if you aren't going to even use it, Stalin?

Good grief. You know you only delete my posts because they say the truth, otherwise you would just bin them.


quote:Originally posted by Jo Jo Headshrinker:
Why the hell does this forum have a dead thread zone if you aren't going to even use it, Stalin?

Good grief. You know you only delete my posts because they say the truth, otherwise you would just bin them.
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No I delete the dumb ass ones with stupid rotten.com pics and flamer language, and racist, homophobic words.

You can post whatever you want, just stop being a prick.


quote:Originally posted by Jo Jo Headshrinker:
Step 1: Become the CEO of Adobe
Step 2: Suggest that you create new Photoshop 8 with new features that everyone wants
Step 3: Make Photoshop 8 native for Windows and Linux ONLY
Step 4: Watch Apple HQ burn

Mac would be TRASHED if Linux got a native and they didn't. Admit it.

I hope Adobe gets sour over Premier and cans Photoshop
--- End quote ---

i hate idiots  

almost all apple users are loyal, and only like 30% of them actually use adobe products.

so.. in simple terms you might understand: if adobe stopped supporting the mac platform, it wouldn't matter! apple would still have their loyal fan base. nintendo, apple, and bmw all have very loyal fans, ones that will probably never stop using their products.

please, go drink bleach. or become intelligent.


quote:Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:

No I delete the dumb ass ones with stupid rotten.com pics and flamer language, and racist, homophobic words.

You can post whatever you want, just stop being a prick.
--- End quote ---

There was NOTHING in my anti-cube-zealotism posts that had ANYTHING to do with homophiba or racism. You just don't want to hear it because its the truth. Shut up and amit it. (I said "fag salt shaker." Big fuckin' deal.)

And I only posted ONE rotten.com pic and thats because you edited my post to some maimed peice of shit I didn't write.

[ July 17, 2003: Message edited by: Jo Jo Headshrinker ]

admit what?

you post alot of garbage. we are not in third grade here. this isn't exactly the place to post inane stupid shit. if you are going to do that, at least do it in the lounge, or go to somethingawful.com or something. If you hate macs so much, maybe you should go to a forum that shares your opinion, then you could get "lollers" from all the anti-mac ppl there. ass.

be glad that only your posts get deleted. you should be banned for your behavior. i mean, i would have banned you the minute you fucked the forums up the first time.


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