Operating Systems > macOS

"Why Windows has the edge over the Mac"


Read this stupid bitch's article!


Some quotes:

"Don't get me wrong. The iMac does its job well. But it is no more intuitive than Windows XP."

"The most startling difference was in the application of Adobe Photoshop filters. I used an 11-megabyte TIFF (uncompressed) file on both machines. The Windows machine was much faster."

"The computer came with Internet Explorer, and I installed Netscape for e-mail. Apple has a native e-mail application, but I couldn't get it to work."

Couldn't get Mail to work, eh?  I really thought people that stupid were only found in fiction.

PS I found this article linked from msn.com

Coincidence?  I don't think so.

i think she is on crack. if her osx did crash it probably did not lock up, causing her to reboot. and as for Photoshop plugins, i hate that test. Dont different filters run quicker or slower depending on the hardware setup?? i dont know. I did however, get a chance to compare a 1ghz g4 against my dual athlon1.2ghz (at work)and i did the 'stupid' photoshop filter test, and guess what, the mac kicked my computers ass. i used the liquify filter on a 200mb tif file. Both computers had 1gig ram. and my crappy windows box took longer to open the file, and much longer to process the flter. and as for mhz, i thought people were starting to realize that you cant just compare that. two completely different architectures.
just my piece.

we are going along convices windroids that wrong way. ask them if a slower athlon can kick the shit out of a faster pentium 4, they will say "fuck yeah it can" when they say that, tell them that the g4 runs way faster then a faster athlon, when they say bullshit, ask them why the athlon goes faster then pentium 4. then smile and walk away. some will shrug it off, and some will ask more, then show them some cool looking macs and some cool desktops, most won't listen but some will, the only reason to be concerned with theis people is that they are the ones that put money through the gates of hell and for 666 to fuck everything up for you and me, im getting ready to give a kid a copy of redhat 7.3 and am ready to give fanatical support/*im sick of fixing a hopelessly broken OS*/ for free.


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