Operating Systems > macOS
I finally got my iBook!
Great links psyjax, thanks! Do you know how I can use the console from OSX cause I really miss it!
quote:Originally posted by Panos:
Great links psyjax, thanks! Do you know how I can use the console from OSX cause I really miss it!
--- End quote ---
Yea deffinetly.
Go into Applications->Utillities and get the Terminal application.
You can drag it into the Dock for convinient access. You can open as many instances of it you want by selecting new terminal in the file menu also Apple+New.
You won't be able to su untill you set up a root password. This can be done thrugh NetInfoManager in the Applications->Utillities folder.
Or, if you know the UNIX commands for this, thrugh the Terminal itself.
Finnaly... At login, if you type in ">console" as your user name you will boot straight into Darwin mode. Full on Text.
There is a good article, about UNIXing in OSX
[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
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