Operating Systems > macOS

I finally got my iBook!

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I was upset that you had such a bad tome with OSX. I went in search of greek localization and I stumbeld across this:

"Rainbow Computer which is the equivalent of Apple in Greece, has developed its own completely localized Mac OS X with support of Greek input on Carbon/Cocoa applications, but they only allow those who can prove that they have purchased their Mac in Greece to buy it for 144Euro. It would be nice if Apple US could include at least full (Carbon/Cocoa) Greek input support and why not localization to Mac OS X on the standard version, there are thousands of Mac users around the world that need to use Greek language and there is currently no way to do that if they don't buy their Mac at a higher price on www.applestore.gr. All this could be easier if Apple could use the work that Rainbow Computer team has done."

But then, you may have known this already  :(


Yes indeed. The iBook I bought came with the Greek Update CDROM for OSX which I installed. Everything went great until I tried to open my documents created in M$ Office and edited in OpenOffice, with AppleWorks. Total failure there. I guess I'll try OSX with OpenOffice and see what happens    . The 9.2 interface really sucks when compared to OSX, which must have the greatest GUI I've ever seen!

Ya, but recent'ly I have seen a darker side. 128MB of RAM, and OSX hogs it up. Anything above that number, and it run's great. Very strange behavior if you ask me.


quote:Originally posted by psyjax:
Ya, but recent'ly I have seen a darker side. 128MB of RAM, and OSX hogs it up. Anything above that number, and it run's great. Very strange behavior if you ask me.
--- End quote ---

I seem to have a bit of a problem with this amount of RAM as well with OSX. It's not  that it runs slowly but I just have the feeling that more RAM would give it that extra boost :)

I did a clean install of OSX, without using the Recovery CD-ROMs which come with OS 9.2 alongside OSX. I also used the Greek Update CD which came with the iBook and everything works great    !

Now I just have to get used to my new interface, but before I do that I think that I'm gonna get some sleep cause I can barely type!

Thanks for the help psyjax, your advice and your older posts that helped me buy a Mac (finally)! At this point I can proudly say that I'm totally M$ free since I run Linux on my desktop computer and OSX on my laptop! And that feels really good  :D  !

Thanks again and I'll keep you guys posted!

Well glad to here it's all working out!

More RAM is the key to OSX. The more the marrier. Don't forget the everhelpfull Mac sites:




Glad to be of service! Have fun  :D


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