Operating Systems > macOS

I've got a Road Apple!

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I bought a Performa 5260 for $25 at a garage sale!


Oh well, at least now I own a Mac.   :D

[ June 28, 2004: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]

That's the second time in two days that site crashed Mozilla.  :mad:

Anyways, I remember that model.  It's slow and lousy.  :D   But it is a Mac, and for $25.  

not a bad machine... newer OS versions really help the problems that it has.

but a PPC on a board designed for an 040 sucks... add to that the shittiness of the rest of the architecture + the crappiness of NuBus on Power Macs... BLEH

I do not think the 680xx boards were used with ppc processors.  I do not think that would work.  A ppc needs its own type of mobo.  There were a billion different performa computers, some were actually power macs and some had the older hardware(like a 68030). Laukev probably had one of the power mac performas.  Most perfomas are actually virtually the same as other mac models.  For example, I have a performa 400 which is really a mac LC 30.

My performa has a 603e 100 MHz processor, and the manual says it has an LC-compatible 68030 PDS. No mention of PCI though.


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