Operating Systems > macOS

I've got a Road Apple!

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Oh, Laukev, I just read this:

quote:It should also be noted that reports from the field indicate that Mac OS 8.1 and later smooth out a lot of issues these models suffer from.
--- End quote ---

So apparently, use 8.1+ and not the free 7.5.5 (just like Jimmy said.)  

OS 8.1+ may be more stable but those newer os's run much slower, especially 9 and 9.1.

If any of you want good apple hardware info, go to AppleHistory.com.
This site is awesome.  It has good information and is designed well.  One of the few site out on the internet that is actually GOOD.  The person who made this site probably shits gold.

Meh, I guess I'll sacrifice stability for performance. I don't find 7.5 unstable, to be frank.

Cuz I wanna play games!


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