Operating Systems > macOS

Apple and Linux Beneficial to Each Other?

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as i understand it i am currently using ipchains, set at a mandrake default of 'high' and allowing nothing to act as a server.

my firewalling knowledge ends right there which is why i wanted to know how realplayer could spy on me.

oh right. well ipchains is a packet filtering firewall, which means it allows/denies packets to go in and out of your machine based on things like their dest/source IP addresses, dest/source ports, which network interface they're going out of/coming into etc. They're not concerned with which application they're bound for/coming from. With iptables there is some way to do application specific filtering but it's a bit of a hack really. If you want to stop a particular app from accessing the network it should be achieved on the user permission level rather than the packet/firewall level, despite what windows "personal firewalls" like zonealarm would have you believe.

So in summary, your firewall will usually be primarily concerned with stopping incoming connections to your machine rather than outgoing ones. I'd recommend you write your own iptables/chains script so you know what it's doing. A basic one would literally only be a few lines. Typically this would just block all incoming connections to your machine (unless you want to run servers on your machine, of course)
So if RealPlayer wants to spy on you, I'm sure your firewall hasn't been stopping it.

goto LinuxIso.org and look for "GNU/Darwin" there is your Apple core (no pun intended)

The core of OSX is open source, okay, useless to me because i don't have a machine running on a PPC platform.  Advantage = Apple, if people from OS community work on it saving apple some time.  Even if i did want to code for them, i need a mac machine anyway.

Quicktime on linux would piss off microcunt but apple doesn't want that to happen oh no, that means linux gains in popularity and people might not switch to apple because linux gains recognition from the public if major apps from apple are ported across .  Alot of things may be open sourced but apple gain from it the most(which is what apple really wants).

The reason why i mentioned quicktime was because its one of those little apps people want on linux, if apple and Linux WERE "beneficial" to each other then linux would gain more than just KHTML,core or kernel code.  They would get at least one little fucking application in FULL just like apple is going to get when they fully implement X11 on OSX.

Basically in a few years time we could be looking at the mac platform and it will be running every single damn app designed for linux, created by the open source community.  But in return linux gets code back (only because the license says they have to) and not one FULL application back in return.  They are not going out of their way to help linux are they?

What i think they are trying to do is getting everything to run on their platform and show linux users or possible windows switchers that Apple has everything from the 3 OS'es.  While Linux as usual will have to work for themselves without anybodies real help.

Codeweavers could go apple along with WINex for example.  Who would care if MS don't port Office for the mac anymore, apple would just use the MS windows version using x11 with codeweavers. It also negates the need of having Virtual PC (VPC) which costs alot more needs an installation of windows to work.  Advantage = Apple, no more MS code on their platform and performance is given a boost because there is no VPC needed anymore.

People say Linux lacks simplicity but apple have loads of that in their OS, what would happen if apple has all the apps linux has with the simple design and feel of OSX?  It has all the advantages of linux/UNIX but doesn't suffer from bad UI design or anything that is to technical for newbies to linux.  Plus all this with the brand awareness apple has.

Who would need linux?  It makes apple so much more powerful, i'm not saying that this could happen but its not as though it cannot either.  I would buy apple if this came true but i'm buying anyway, it would have everything.

The point i'm trying to make is that Apple and Linux ISN'T beneficial to each other.  It only would be if linux got back something of equal value like at least 1 native fucking Mac app like Quicktime.  Its the smallest thing to ask for but that isn't even done for linux.

So the title of this topic is untrue.

yes, again i agree 100% with you, butter.
quote:Quicktime on linux would piss off microcunt but apple doesn't want that to happen oh no, that means linux gains in popularity and people might not switch to apple because linux gains recognition from the public if major apps from apple are ported across . Alot of things may be open sourced but apple gain from it the most(which is what apple really wants).
--- End quote ---
sound like any other big company you might have heard of? why is it by the way that apple do not see their pandering to microsoft as harming their own business, but releasing software for the fastest growing operating system is harmful to them? it amounts to the same thing from a money perspective, unless they are smart enough to make the openness work for them (if they are not smart enough, and it is beginning to look that way, then they will hopefully go down the crapper with microsoft).

quote:The reason why i mentioned quicktime was because its one of those little apps people want on linux, if apple and Linux WERE "beneficial" to each other then linux would gain more than just KHTML,core or kernel code. They would get at least one little fucking application in FULL just like apple is going to get when they fully implement X11 on OSX.
--- End quote ---

yup, looks like apple is walking in the footsteps of its hero, microsoft. mac users might not like it, but it's there for everybody to see.


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