Operating Systems > macOS

Apple and Linux Beneficial to Each Other?

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Its funny how the mac and linux relationship benefits mac users more than linux users. Suddenly mac users can use XFree86 and other *nix applications, but linux users still cant use mac applications. As soon as linux begins to benefit from this by being able to run mac applications, things will be better.

yeah, and it's funny how apple and linux are 'beneficial' to each other so long as apple gets the lion's share of the benefits, isn't that right?
i wonder if we'd have quite so many mac advocates telling us to sit down and shut up if linux was the one benefiting most? of course we wouldn't. they'd all be up in arms about how linux wasn't really open, and apple would be sending their lawyers out on seek and destroy missions.

quote:Originally posted by Panos:
About Quicktime, be patient. You might see it being ported to Linux some time in the near future. I believe that Apple is slowly trying to cut the strings with M$, which is not by any means an easy job.

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<scoff> easy for you to say. i am sick of waiting for literally years for some vapourware that's coming out 'real soon now', thank you very much.

The reason I told you to be patient is not because I work for Apple or have any inside information about Quicktime, but rather because I believe that Apple will embrace Open Source more in the future for the benefit of both "parties".


quote:Originally posted by Panos:
I believe that Apple is slowly trying to cut the strings with M$, which is not by any means an easy job.
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Slowly trying to cut strings? Serious understatement. Releasing a web browser, and a counterpart to PowerPoint isn't exactly gradual action.


quote:Originally posted by The Muffin Man:

Slowly trying to cut strings? Serious understatement. Releasing a web browser, and a counterpart to PowerPoint isn't exactly gradual action.
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Well, it was gradual until the release of Keynote and Safari or maybe wasn't it?   :confused:


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