Operating Systems > macOS

Apple and Linux Beneficial to Each Other?

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OK for a start Mac OS X is not opensource. Darwin is, and there is a x86 version (Darwin homepage) you can download it in binary or source form. This is also available over a cvs server.

What is not open source is basically nothing to do with the opensource community. It was all created internally at Apple.

So quite your whinging.

Not whining, merely pointing out that anything that is "beneficial" is to Apple only and not Linux.

So read the comments properly butt munch.

Oh yes, you are whining.      Now, if you want QuickTime in Linux so much (I know I never needed it), then all you have to do is write to Steve Jobs at  [email protected]  and explain your problems. Just joking.    

[ February 03, 2003: Message edited by: Panos ]

that's not a joke! are you saying people who require a piece of software should just shut up and go away, accepting anything that they are spoonfed? maybe you should go and buy a nice new copy of windows XP.

Butter has said nothing but the gods' unvarnished 100% truth, so get over it, apploids!  ;)

as for quicktime it's not a matter of needing it (even i have got mplayer + win32dlls to play quicktime files), it's the principle of the situation. it's dissapointing that the posters on this forum of all places cannot see the difference between personal greed and a matter of principle.


quote:Originally posted by Calum: Member # 81:
that's not a joke! are you saying people who require a piece of software should just shut up and go away, accepting anything that they are spoonfed? maybe you should go and buy a nice new copy of windows XP.

Butter has said nothing but the gods' unvarnished 100% truth, so get over it, apploids!   ;)  

as for quicktime it's not a matter of needing it (even i have got mplayer + win32dlls to play quicktime files), it's the principle of the situation. it's dissapointing that the posters on this forum of all places cannot see the difference between personal greed and a matter of principle.
--- End quote ---

If I knew that you would take my post so seriously, I wouldn't write it in the first place. As I have replied in a previous post, it is my belief that soon QuickTime will be available for Linux and that's all it is. Just a simple opinion. I don't know if my English is so bad that you cannot understand what I'm trying to say and I'm sorry if my opinion can't get through to you or anyone else here.

I also do not understand how this became all of a sudden a matter of principle to you and to other Linux users in these forums. I'm not here to speak on behalf of Apple. I'm just a very satisfied user of OS X and a long-time user of Linux who has never had similar problems and worries. Jeese, I'm just writing my opinions here and don't have to apologize on behalf of Apple. I really don't know how you got that idea!

PS I don't like being called an apploid, linuxoid or windoid (even worse). That would mean that I'm a shortsighted person, which I definitely am not.


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