Operating Systems > macOS
Apple and Linux Beneficial to Each Other?
First off, as someone pointed out Apple is severing the ties with M$. They are not M$'s bitch, infact quite the contrary, now that Apple has the OSS community on it's side it's basically telling M$ to go shove it. They don't need them.
Safari is going to be the default browser, bye bye IE, KeyNotes will replace PowerPoint, and OpenOffice is rapidly aproaching Final status.
It is becoming clear that Apple sided with OSS not to somehow "steal" from it, but rather to sever the ties to the evil empire. That's a major reason.
And as far as giving back...
Well, first off you are not restricted to PPC for Darwin. There is an X86 version. Also, you can get it to run on custom made PPC boxes like the ones being offered over at www.yellowdoglinux.com.
Third of all, why are you bitching at Apple to give back to the open source community, it has, there are dozzens of Open Source PPC and Mac developers now. Tons of little projects on sourceForge etc. Just because they are PPC only dosn't make them not OSS or GNU! What about AmigaOS, do you complain about them not giving back to the x86 platform?
What the hell did Mandrake ever "give back", or "Debian", etc. Yet you don't complain, it's the little OSS programmers that make the goods, not the company compiling the distro.
Should us Mac users complain that WINE hasn't been given to us in the PPC market? Should we complain that Gnome hasn't ported it's Desktop environment to Aqua? Or that Xmms dosn't even work on PPC's!
I wan't the RedHat package manager on my Mac, shit, I guess Linux hasn't given me smak, grrr... grumble... grumble ... RPMs rock! grrumble
If that's not a convincing argument, then why not complain about Sun developing it's OS only for the SunSparc processors. Or the dozens of "wierd" chips out there that linux/*NIX has been ported to. You don't bitch about those companies having to give back.
And fuck! If you don't think Apple has "given back", show me the fucking applications and code you have contributed to the OSS community lately? I bet you Apple has given back a damn site more than you leaches....
ooooo... struck a nerve....
quote:Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:
Third of all, why are you bitching at Apple to give back to the open source community, it has, there are dozzens of Open Source PPC and Mac developers now. Tons of little projects on sourceForge etc. Just because they are PPC only dosn't make them not OSS or GNU! What about AmigaOS, do you complain about them not giving back to the x86 platform?
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Im complaining because I dont see how linux is benefiting from Mac OS joining the open source community. Yes mac developers are creating open source projects, but they are only for Mac Os, not for linux or any other OS. A lot of open source projects for linux also have windows and mac ports.
What the hell did Mandrake ever "give back", or "Debian", etc. Yet you don't complain, it's the little OSS programmers that make the goods, not the company compiling the distro.
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What did Mandrake give? It gave us a powerful set of software preconfigured to run together and be secure and easy to use, all of this for free. As for innovation, the people at MandrakeSoft created a lot of the configuration utilities, the installer, they added a lot of custom drivers to the kernel to support a lot more hardware than the stock linux kernel, and all for free. The same for Debian, including the fact that they created the great apt-get package management system. All for free. They give thousands of man hours and dollars of work away for free. You ask what they give back, the answer is more than Apple ever will.
Should us Mac users complain that WINE hasn't been given to us in the PPC market? Should we complain that Gnome hasn't ported it's Desktop environment to Aqua? Or that Xmms dosn't even work on PPC's!
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Actually you can probably use gnome on mac os X. Look here http://www.apple.com/macosx/x11/
Also Im pretty sure you can get xmms working on your ppc too using fink. Check out http://sourceforge.net/projects/fink/
I wan't the RedHat package manager on my Mac, shit, I guess Linux hasn't given me smak, grrr... grumble... grumble ... RPMs rock! grrumble
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You want rpm's on your ppc? Guess what, Yellow Dog Linux is based on Red Hat, so its not as hard as you think.
And fuck! If you don't think Apple has "given back", show me the fucking applications and code you have contributed to the OSS community lately? I bet you Apple has given back a damn site more than you leaches....
ooooo... struck a nerve....
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Actually I did help in the development of the open source project BZFlag, I havent seen anything from Apple other than Darwin itself, which is nothing special at all since we have linux, the BSD's, and more.
Somebody assumes that some of use are leeches and don't give anything to the OSC.
I can code in java (only java) however i'm not fluent enough so instead of contributing code which would be useless, i give money instead, not only do i make donations but i also purchase the distros i use.
Also the argument about Apple porting WINE to their platform. They can if they want because its free, this is what i was saying before. Apple can access nearly everything that is linux and add it to OSX while linux gets the extra code a modifications back. But linux has to wait until APPLE decides to port something like quicktime.
YOU read my fucking post or what sunshine!
psyjax, you make some good solid points, but i do tend to agree with preacher and butter as well.
i'll be happy if apple go the way you say they are (and you know more about it than me i know) but i am always wary of a company. i am wary of mandrake continually saying their backs are against the wall and asking for spare change (like bill gates did in the late seventies) while they still are pumping out cutting edge linux distros, i am wary of red hat and its RHCE (read: MCSE++) stuff, not to mention that they are the open source microsoft of the world (by choice or not) and i am wary of lindows, the company that would have been microsoft if it had been born 20 years earlier.
Still, all those companies might be saints and angels, i'm just a paranoid cynical bastard.
"sure, i'm paranoid... but am i paranoid enough?" - Unknown.
quote:Third of all, why are you bitching at Apple to give back to the open source community, it has, there are dozzens of Open Source PPC and Mac developers now. Tons of little projects on sourceForge etc. Just because they are PPC only dosn't make them not OSS or GNU!
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What do they have to do with apple?
All Apple have done to 'contribute' to the community is to take free software, adapt it to form their OS core and then licence the finished result under their "Open Source" but restrictive and non-free APSL.
quote:What the hell did Mandrake ever "give back", or "Debian", etc.
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I'm thinking the Debian and Mandrake GNU/Linux distributions, for a start.
quote:Should us Mac users complain that WINE hasn't been given to us in the PPC market? Should we complain that Gnome hasn't ported it's Desktop environment to Aqua? Or that Xmms dosn't even work on PPC's!
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No-one is expecting Apple to do their work for them. If you have the specifications for a file format or source code for an application you can easily develop free software to use that file format or port the software to another platform. No-one is *deliberately preventing* Mac users or Apple themsevles from porting any of those programs you list. You can't say the same about Apple's proprietary software.
quote:then why not complain about Sun developing it's OS only for the SunSparc processors
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Well, actually, there's an x86 version but...
But yes, I would say "Fuck Sun" just as I say "Fuck MS" and "Fuck Apple"; they're all fundamentally as bad as each other as far as their software development ethics go.
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