Operating Systems > macOS
Apple and Linux Beneficial to Each Other?
well said
quote:No-one is *deliberately preventing* Mac users or Apple themsevles from porting any of those programs you list. You can't say the same about Apple's proprietary software.
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here's the pivotal point about which i disagree with most applemac users. i agree with this statement and anybody who doesn't is obviously wrong.
Well, just because Apple makes proprietary software dosn't make them evil. IBM makes proprietary software it runs on their Linux servers, Maya for RedHat is proprietary. Those companys aren't necissarly Satan.
I think what I was really getting at is that OSS comes from the developers. Dick and Jane programmer who contribute, not the company. And I think you guys are being a bit unfair to say that because most of the OSS being contributed runs only on PPC that somehow it's inherently bad. Sounds like sour grapes to me. Shit I can name dozens of x86 stuff I wish the Mac had.
Furthermore it IS OSS. So you can try to port it if you wan't.
As far as Apple benifiting from Linux, anyone can build a PPC box, or an x86 box and run darwin and benifit from all the OSS. But people don't, because "darwin is to limeted", well, that's the point isn't it! Get the code and make it grow.
You don't like Apple's software policy? Reverse engeneer the .mov format and make your own QT player.
Also, Safari is full OSS, and is advancing KHTML, maybe there will be more projects like this.
Finaly, maybe it dosn't benifit Linux directly, but I think Apple and OSX have made people more aware of OSS and the GNU. I know I didn't know much about it till I got into OSX.
quote:Well, just because Apple makes proprietary software dosn't make them evil.
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I disagree.
quote:And I think you guys are being a bit unfair to say that because most of the OSS being contributed runs only on PPC that somehow it's inherently bad.
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Who's saying that? What we're saying is that Apple have taken Free Software and got the benefit from that but not given their proprietary software back.
And Apple has not made anyone more aware of GNU, they've just made people more aware of "Open Source", which further degrades general awareness of GNU. Apple would never have licenced Darwin under the GPL.
again, good points, while i still agree with butter and preacher.
i do think apple are not being deliberately malicious, just keeping their own interests at the front of their minds, that's all. plus, you are well right about people finding out about non-M$ alternatives now that MacOS is *ix based.
Ok Im lazy, and I got class in a few minutes, but in order to enlighten this discussion I thought it may be benificial to weirgh the APSL licence agains the GPL
Any takers?
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