Operating Systems > macOS

Apple and Linux Beneficial to Each Other?

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is it? show me where i can get the source code for OSX, and then tell me why it has not been ported by individuals or an independent to other platforms (eg x86).

and i think you oversimplify. i for one would not be less wary of apple were they to release quicktime for linux (i am still well wary of realplayer, but i trust my firewall more in linux than i did in windows) however i think apple's refusal to bring out a linux quicktime, while they lick gates' balls on a regular basis by bringing it out for windows just symbolise their commitment to ripping off the open source community by keeping their enemies close.

Well he was actually just saying that the core is "open source".

Do you use realplayer in linux? If so your firewall isn't protecting you from it spying on you (if that's what you meant)

My stance:

Although Apple could be more of an open company when it comes to certain things, (quicktime, aqua, etc.) I also don't think they do any harm to the open source community either.  It's not like they are out to *kill* open source.

that's very true.
quote:Originally posted by flap:
Well he was actually just saying that the core is "open source".

Do you use realplayer in linux? If so your firewall isn't protecting you from it spying on you (if that's what you meant)
--- End quote ---

why not?????

Well what firewall are you using? iptables/chains? How is it stopping realplayer from talking to the internet?


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