Operating Systems > macOS

Apple Rules!

<< < (3/3)


Point taken.

I guess I'll just have to be more careful what I say in future. I meant PC as in Windows. That was a mistake. I have learnt my lesson. So I guess I'll just have to turn my question into "Why do people continue to use such shit operating systems?"  ;)

White Fire:


Don't worry bout Calum, he hazes all newbs to the forum pretty hard.

Just look at some of the early Macman posts   :D  .

But ya that is the convention.


Windows NT for PPC!?

Can this be used as an alternative to VPC? ... or I suppose you can only run software compiled for the PPC chip architecture.

What a strange concept. I think it would feel somewhat sacreligious to have a windows boot on a Mac.

[ April 17, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]


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