Operating Systems > macOS

Buying an iBook (questions)

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So far Apple has used these for code names:

7.6 - Harmony
8.0 - Tempo
8.1 - Bride of Buster
8.5 - Allegro
8.6 - Veronica
9.0 - Sonata
9.2 - Moonlite
10.0 - Cyan, Cheetah
10.1 - Puma
10.2 - Jaguar
10.2 Server - Tigger
10.3 - Panther

Doesn't Apple have a crazy "free upgrades for students/educators" program?

I know one of my teachers got Jaguar for free because he was a teacher--I know you're a student, Calum, so try checking up on that.

Macs are based on Unix my friend. If you want to try a real computer, get a Windows XP powered Dell PC.

I recently found this web site and have been browsing through these forums, and I am just shocked by all the stupidity I have read. However I have gotten good laughs too because of you people. What of waste of time, money, energy, and web space this site is. You people don’t even have any valid and legitimate excuses for hating Microsoft so much! You refer to Microsoft as “M$”. I guess by doing that you’re making fun of the fact that Microsoft wants to make profits. Well why do you people start businesses in the first place – TO MAKE PROFITS!!! To make a living! If you’re gonna be saying that Microsoft is too greedy than I got news for you – every company’s and every business’s in the world goal is to make money and to look out for themselves. That’s what capitalism is you communists.
Now about Open Source, open formats, and all that. Sure, I agree. Getting software for free is nice. So is modifying its code to do what you want if you can program. But just think about it – what good would it do to Microsoft if they did what you guys want – open the Windows source code. If they did that then people everywhere would just start modifying the Windows code and letting people download it. Nobody would ever actually buy Windows from Microsoft again. So what good would it bring them?? Open Source might be good for software and their users, but it just sucks for business.

You idiots are saying Microsoft is violating the laws by integrating Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, and other cool programs into Windows. I know it must be difficult for you use your brains to think being that all your brain power is being used on trying to decipher that ugly looking Linux piece of crap and memorize its command line commands, but try to understand this: Windows is a product of Microsoft. Internet Explorer is a product of Microsoft. Windows Media Player is a product of Microsoft. That means that Microsoft has the right to do whatever they choose with THEIR OWN PRODUCTS. So if they want to integrate or combine two or more of THEIR OWN products together they have every right to do so! I mean think logically people. If what you’re saying is true then I guess also that car makers don’t have the right to integrate radios or CD players into their cars?

Nobody in the world is perfect and nobody writes perfect software. Every piece of software that exists has bugs in it. So stop complaining about all the bugs and flaws in Windows and IE. Besides, Microsoft is working non-stop to release a patch every time a bug is discovered. And why do they bother? They’re not obliged to do any of that as you know. Their license agreement clearly states that you agree to buy their software “as is”. So by patching everything they show you that they do care about their customers. And you’re claim that Unix/Linux is better than Windows because Windows gets so many more viruses is stupid. Of course Windows gets more viruses! If Linux was the dominant OS (as if!) then Linux would be getting all those worms and viruses instead. The people who write those viruses and worms want to attack as many people as possible. That’s why they specifically write for Windows. Because so little people (less than 10%) use Linux, what’s the point of writing a virus for them? It’s not gonna infect a lot of people and will be pointless to the writer. And don’t tell me it’s impossible to write a virus for Linux. A virus is a program. And since you’re claiming that Linux supports all the same kinds of software that Windows does than it obviously supports viruses too. So face it – the ONLY reason Windows gets so many viruses and Linux gets none is cause so little people (losers) use it.

I also don't get why you claim that Windows sucks since programs aren't backward compatible with older versions of Windows. One of the reason WinXP rocks so much is cause it introduced a special cool feature to make programs think you're running an older version of Windows so that they work. THat's it. DUH. By the way, that feature is also available in Win2k SP2.

Also I read a lot about people dissing out Windows Media Series 9. What exactly is wrong with it!? WMP 9 is the best yet. I'd like to hear a suggestion of an alternative Media Player (for Windows) that plays EVERYTHING like WMP does - AVI, DV-AVI, MPEG1/2, WAV, MP3, Audio CD, DVD all in one. And yes I know there are a few inferior players that do this but a) none of them can play DV files with the quality WMP plays them, and b)they all look ugly to me. I can't stand Media Players with those skins that come by default. I need my Media Player to have the classic look (Corporate look as WMP calls the default skin) which is just a little box with a standard view. So do any other players do all this??? NO! That is why WMP rocks.

So stop attacking Microsoft already! Microsoft is one of the best companies out there. I mean just think where we’d be today without Microsoft. We wouldn’t have the capabilities we do today to edit and play digital video, play such graphical games, and do other multimedia stuff. We’d be stuck with a poor and useless command line universe and/or some ugly boring GUI (like one that Linux has). Instead we have great and customizable user friendly Oses with nice interfaces. Windows XP rocks! If you don’t like its new interface then just DISABLE IT! But I guess that’s so easy to do that none of you could figure it out. You were probably looking a command line way of doing it. And for those of you who claim that XP’s GUI consumes too much memory and CPU then what the hell is the point of 3 GHz processors anyway? You morons like the old & boring gray bar GUI? I guess you should because it’s better than what Linux has anyway. And how ugly does Linux look when you boot that piece of shit up. With Windows NT/2k/XP you get a nice logo while the system boots up. With Linux you get a black screen which just lists all the hundreds of things it does and commands it runs while booting up. Really looks nice. NOT! And yes, Win9x does the same thing too, but it's IN THE BACKGROUND. At least it has a nice logo on top of that stuff.
If it wasn’t for Bill Gates we’d still be probably using floppy disks. I guess you people don’t enjoy CD and DVD burning, which Microsoft introduced to the market, and made it really easy to burn with a built in burner since Windows XP. And I would NEVER trust one of those free open source programs to burn a CD or DVD. The program would probably be designed by some Joe Shmo in his basement. I would never trust anything that’s not Easy CD Creator like or Nero like to burn anything. And guess what – none of those is available for Linux. If it weren't for Microsoft we wouldn't have the superb WMV video format in which I just watched a Microsoft high-definition DVD the other day. Why do you think all new DVD Players now have support for Windows Media format? If it sucked, they wouldn’t put it in the players.

And of course train and nuke companies should be using Windows and NOT Linux. Think about it. Linux is hard, Windows is easy. The chances some employee screws up in Linux are much greater than someone screwing up in Windows because Linux is so much more complicated and ugly looking. DUH! If it weren’t for Bill Gates then chances are that the PC industry wouldn’t be where it is today and home computers wouldn’t even be on the level they are today – not to mention the internet.

I’ve also read the posts about and the article “Microsoft’s Really Hidden Files” and I must say that it is really misunderstood. Yes – there are very deeply hidden files with Windows and IE that keep track of visited web sites and continue to keep some of them after IE’s history has been cleared by the user. There is a very good reason for this. If someone brings their computer in for technical support it is possible that these files would make it easier to identify a problem with the computer. If the technician is able to see what web sites the person has visited, they could check if those web sites have had any viruses recently and maybe then identify the problem right away. The user should not be worried about those files being there. They take up extremely minimal space, and can’t really be read by anyone unless they know how to use these files. As for the privacy issue here, there really shouldn’t be one. Having your technician see what web sites you’ve visited is the same as having your doctor know what illness you’ve had. It only helps them. Microsoft’s attitude towards user privacy are deeply misunderstood. They only want what’s best for the customer in the long run and to make sure that they and other companies do not loose money by having their products stolen which is what Digital Rights Management and Palladium will accomplish.

Also stop blaming Microsoft for stealing ideas. They do no such thing. Like those of who dislike that Microsoft named XP the way it did right after Apple released OS X. If youre gonna yell about that then why don’t you also yell at AMD for named their new processors AMD XP, and other companies that do the same. That’s what happens in business. Like it was probably one company’s idea one day to include CD players in cars. Then other companies started doing the same. Is that stealing? Yes. But it’s the kind of stealing that’s ok. If you’re gonna be mad at Microsoft for stealing these ideas, then you might as well be mad at all car companies since all cars have steering wheels. Yet no one claims that it was their invention and others shouldn’t use it.

So stop being jealous of Bill Gates and his money. Start your own company like Bill once did if you don't like Microsoft. Get a life! And your life will surely become much more fun and you will have much more free time if you use Windows.

Also if it weren’t for Bill Gates and Microsoft then a lot of the basic hardware would be much different today. Microsoft introduced to us the Intellimouse with the cool scoll wheel, keyboards with application-specific buttons, awesome game controllers, a TV Photo Viewer, a the new excellent Bluetooth technology.

Oh and another completely retarded thing about Linux and its programs is how a lot of them THE USER HAS TO COMPILE!!! Why on fucking earth would anyone want to have to download the source code for the program and compile it themselves instead of just downloading an installer. You Linux idiots just like making everything harder than it has to be.

And also better start liking Windows Longhorn because once it's out it's gonna change the world like Win95 once did if not more. This version of Windows will be the best yet. I'm already using it half the time and can't wait for the beta to come out. Windows Longhorn has EVERYTHING one can ask for. Great user interface, fantastic multimedia, and much more. You people should get used to it because pretty soon you might start seeing Windows everywhere - cell phones, calculators, more palmpilots, dvd players, cd players, game consoles, etc... You may want Linux to defeat Microsoft but that will never happen. I'd like to hear how you think that will ever happen. However, maybe one day Microsoft will decide to develop their own version of Linux. If that happens then at Linux will finally look and feel good enough to be used by everybody the way Windows is. Also if Microsoft ever decides to do that then for sure they will also make a way for people to run Windows designed programs on it well (not like that Wine piece of shit that exists now).

How the hell do you people even stand using Linux today? Almost nothing works with it they way it is intended. I can go to the store and buy any video card, sound card, firewire card, capture card, printer, scanner, dvdr, etc that I want and it will work on Windows in a matter of minutes (just a quick driver install). But with Linux half of that stuff either doesn't work at all, or works half way, or must be configured by modifying tons of ugly text files, and running command line commands. That is why Linux sucks. Plain and simple.

Windows = Plug, install, play!
Linux = Plug, find, install, edit, configure, and MAYBE play but with less features.
I'd like to see my Pinnacle Pro capture card work on Linux. I'd like to see my GeForce4 work on Linux with all the same features it has in Windows.
How the hell would I use Adobe Premiere and Photoshop in Linux without that Wine thing? (Even with Wine people can't get the new Premiere to run). And don't tell me about using that Gimp program instead of Photoshop. What kindof name is Gimp anyway? Why do Linux programs have such funny and retarded names? Really, why would the general consumer public ever use software whose programs all had such weird names that don’t even describe the program. So don't tell me that Linux is better than Windows because of its stability. Better to have a crash once in a while than to never crash a primitive OS that can't do anything than the basic email, internet, word processing, etc... things.

Here is an example of the suckiness of Linux: recently I installed Mandrake Linux 9.0 on a laptop to test some things out. First it created 3 FUCKING PARTITIONS. This is total bullshit. Why the fuck can’t it be like a normal operating system (*cough* Windows *cough*) and put everything on the same partition. Why does it need a whole separate partition for a swap file!? What a waste of hard disk resources! This is total crap for someone who needs a lot of partitions for a large multi-boot system because of the 4 Primary Partition limit. With Windows being the friendly operating system that it is, it puts the entire thing on one partition and later lets advanced users modify it. Anyway,during the install it went through all my hardware. It couldn’t figure out that I had a GeForce4 440 Go video card and only let me use Generic drivers for it. However once the setup finished and it finally booted up it showed me that I was using the card I was. So why couldn’t it detect it in the first place?? However the graphics still continued to suck badly, not to mention the mouse pointer wasn’t being shown. What a piece of junk.

Finally another reason Linux sucks and will never dominate is because there is just too many of them and all come from different places. The general public would always be too confused as to which version of Linux to choose and why (that is if they had some bizarre reason for wanting Linux). It’s much better to have software be centralized from one company such as Windows is with Microsoft and Mac OS is with Apple. Remember – having TOO MUCH choice can suck too.

Face it. Linux is dead! Best of luck to you freaks as you get left behind in the dark ages as the world moves on to XP, Longhorn, and beyond!

P.S. I'm not what you call a troll. Just someone with a lot of sense, something you folks seem to be lacking. Good day.

damn double post  :mad:

[ August 27, 2003: Message edited by: ecsyle:951 ]

Could someone delete this assholes post?


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