Operating Systems > macOS

Why do I have to put up with this Shit!


February is the one year anniversary of my PowerMac G4 733. (Thank You, Thank You)  Since I switched last february (before the shitty switcher campaign started) I have preaching on how awesome it is and how my dad should get one.  Well his dual PIII machine crapped out on him, so I told him to check out the new Dual CPU PowerMacs.  Next time I see him he is ordering parts for a dual Xeon PC.  I was like what the fuck.  Not only will it not work, it will cost more than the Mac.  Well he got it anyway.  Guess what, the Geforce 4 Ti 4200 he got for it didn't work, he is stuck with his crapass radeon cards in there.  Then when he fired it up, it wasn't faster than his old dual PIII machine.  It used fewer CPU cycles but it wasn't faster.  Then he had to replace the power supply with a "Stealth" Power Supply because it was louder than the dickins.  Lets say at least 4 or 5 powermacs on all at the same time.  He has reformatted it at least 3 times and has owned it for about 2 weeks.  I'm sure he has spent at least 4000 bucks on this POS.  I told him not to destroy the boxes, but that same day he did, so now he can't even return it.  He says it is not broken, but it always is.  And last but not least he won't even install Linux on it to take advantage of the Xeons and the dual cpu's both of which Windows XP Pro does poorly.  Then he went and told me he was lookin through the bios to see if he could fix things.  He noticed the default settings underclocked the CPU's and the max amount of RAM.  WTF!!! kind of default settings are those?  He's thinking about a Laptop for next year's computer, he says he wants a 12" powerbook, but I highly doubt he will be smart enough to get it.

Thanks for reading this absolutely stupid post, but I had to blow off steam.

umm,  misconfigured bios, has heat problems, windoze xtra problems needs to take its medicine, stupid user error something. a new machine shoudln't be kirking out like that.

sorry to hear it. my only advice is to not help anymore as he has shown he doesnt listen. your breath would be better served pulling bongs or sweet talking big titties(or small, whatever your preference).

It's frustrating, I know, but you have to move on. Find some other less-brainwashed people to convert and maybe your dad will one day see the light.

you guys are right


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