Operating Systems > macOS

Only the Best OS in the World, Aside from Linux

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Although I do not have a Mac (unfortunately) their OS is so fuckin' awesome. It's intuitive, intelligent, and way ahead of it's time; and it makes Windows (I have Windows XP Home Edition, not that it makes any difference from, say, "Professional" Edition; shit, Windows 2000 was better than this) look pitiful, which is not very hard.

The OS on its own can't do it all. Remember, OPENSTEP and Rhapsody both ran on other platforms... that didn't make Sun workstations into NeXT Cubes, or generic Intel boxes into Power Macs.

Macintosh is the unique combination of OS and hardware, not just the OS.

Mac OS X on PC would just be "OPENSTEP 5/Mach for Intel x86", just like there was "OPENSTEP 4.2/Mach for Intel x86"

Jimmyjames, you seem to know your stuff about Next computers.  The Next's I have used I think had 68020 or 68030 CPU's in them.  I guess their archetecture is similar to the mac since the Next company was run my Steve Jobs.  Am I right?  Also, I did not know that there is an x86 version of nextstep or openstep.  Does it run on any normal pc?  One more thing, what the hell is the difference between openstep and nextstep OS's?


quote:Jimmyjames, you seem to know your stuff about Next computers. The Next's I have used I think had 68020 or 68030 CPU's in them.
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68030 and 68040 were what they used on Black hardware.

quote:I guess their archetecture is similar to the mac
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Similar, but not by much. They used Moto 68K processors.

quote:since the Next company was run my Steve Jobs. Am I right? Also, I did not know that there is an x86 version of nextstep or openstep.
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NeXTSTEP did have an x86 version, NeXTSTEP 486. OPENSTEP was available for Black hardware, Intel, and NT. Yes... you could install OPENSTEP on NT.

quote:Does it run on any normal pc?
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Yes, but hardware support is kinda weak. Rhapsody had better drivers.

quote:One more thing, what the hell is the difference between openstep and nextstep OS's?
--- End quote ---

Honestly, not much. OPENSTEP is what the OS was called after NeXT made their APIs a "standard". OPENSTEP was a new version of NeXTSTEP. OpenStep was the specification that OPENSTEP followed. GNUstep is an OSS implementation of OpenStep. Mac OS X is a reworking of OPENSTEP.


OpenStep was a specification for Objective-C based APIs that were based on NeXTSTEP's AppKit API. They really just changed AppKit's name to YellowBox.

When I used OSX for the very first time, the first thing I said was "hey, its that little spinning wheel from nextstep!"  My dad used next computers in is company for many many years and he said those things were rock solid stable, more than OSX.  He said they NEVER crash, however I myself have seen OSX crash a couple of times.


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