Operating Systems > macOS

IT Guys take employees advice!


We recently had a meeting with the Student Technology Centers (STCTR) group here on campus (even though I missed it), and were asked to give advice / suggestions for the new build OSX 10.2.6 (think its 6, anyway). I emailed my suggestion to add Camino as a browser option in addition to Safari and what do ya know they added it. The SCTR people are actually pretty open to suggestions about the builds on the computers here in the labs, but I was still surprisedthey added it, now I just can't wait for them to finish setting up the test machines so I can hack away a it


That doesn't happen very often. IT guys are stubborn most of the time.

buy some dohnuts and say how much you apprieciate(sp?) the way they work.
this will help next time they think of asking.

oh and good job!

I'm surprised your IT guys even want to have Macs near them. All the ones I've seen have feared them because "OMFG THEY'RE DIFFARENT!111" and start spewing FUD.


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