Operating Systems > macOS
Enabling Linux Binary Compatibility using Darwin
I need someone familiar with both freeBSD and Darwin to answer me a question:
I'm a Mac OS X user with Xdarwin. (Xwindows for Darwin.) I'm interested in enabling Linux Binary Compatibility to help run Linux apps under Xwindows. I know that in freeBSD, you must add the line "linux_enable=YES" to /etc/rc.conf to enable Linux binary compatibility, but OS X doesn't have an rc.conf file.
Is Linux compatibility enabled by default with Dawin, or do I need to modify another file, like rc.boot? Recompiling the kernel is obviously not an option. Well, I could recompile GNU-Darwin, but let's not go there...
err, it sounds like you want to run x86 stuff under ppc darwin. bochs might help you with that.
That's exactly right. I've got a setup of Xfree86, Xdarwin, and OroborOSX, and it's basically an Xwindows environment on top of Darwin.
Right now, I'm downloading and installing all the various libraries I need. Eventually, I'll run MacGIMP and some or all of OpenOffice. I'm also interested in running some Linux programs, and that's where the Binary Compatibility comes in.
err, whitch linux programs? most are source based
PPC processors can natively emulate x8 code, which makes binary compatibility more possible. But I think that the apps would need a recompile anyway. I think the best binary compatibility you'll get is between Mac OS X and PPC Linux, not x86 Linux.
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