Operating Systems > macOS
Think before you type...
your 'color issues' are most likely that you've set your bit depth wrong (hint: Monitors and Sound will do that one for you). only an incompetent would not be able to fix this issue. are you so tied by first opinion of the mac that you wish not to understand it, chooco? an unwillingness to learn or understand pisses me off so much more than pure ignorance.
and, btw, 98% of the time you're required to back up via network. you can use this new thing we have called the 'internet' to send your files through email to yourself. like you said, they're excel files, so hopefully they're pretty damned small. i haven't needed floppy disks since i went through the pile of games i made in basic when i was 9.
so, now that i've flamed an innocent who walked into this thread, let's get back to the topic. I don't think Mac Hater is coming back, at all. And if he does come back and make more of his AOL-luser posts that only further to insult his intelligence, I will personally laugh. I guess I'll go delete the identification info that I posted into the previous thread; I overreacted. Looking back on his "inflammatory" posts, I find them incredibly funny.
Know why? I'm an elitist bastard.
Anyone else want to join me in pointing and laughing at Mac Hater? Maybe we can start a fuckmachater.com
[ June 03, 2002: Message edited by: Ravuya ]
i wonder what it would be like to have an 800mhz G4 with Linux on it....hmmm
that would make one hell of a mean server ;)
I've found that even a Performa 6400 can serve Linux with impunity, so yeah, I'd like to see an 800MHz G4 running Loonix. Be nice and fast.
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