Operating Systems > macOS
Apple Doomed?
I dropped by ihateapple.com and this is the article they were linking to on their main page. Kind of worrisome. The first page seemed generally agreeable, but there's some disturbing stuff starting on the second page.
[ January 02, 2003: Message edited by: Macman: Mac Tro0per / boB ]
Typical PC user Mac-bashing. They are just jealous because nobody loves their PCees.
Where did their stats and information come from? Their ass? You couldn't tell where they came from by reading it.
quote:Originally posted by The Muffin Man:
Typical PC user Mac-bashing. They are just jealous because nobody loves their PCees.
Where did their stats and information come from? Their ass? You couldn't tell where they came from by reading it.
--- End quote ---
Thats exactly what I was thinking, I really doubt apple is going anywhere, anytime soon. You gotta remember these windows loving assholes have been saying apple is going down hill for years; but what has come of it? Not much except a bunch of second rate anti-mac sites that spew the same garbage about one button mice and no games to play. And as much as I would love to have os 10 on my x86 laptop, I dont see it happening any time in the near future. As for apple being a monopoly, that is complete bullshit, as far as I remember a monopoly is when a company has complete control over a entire industry/service/whatever. Its quite obvious that apple doesn't have complete control over the entire computer industry. They may have complete control over what they have created or put out, but that is not a monopoly, that is creative control.
my mac is a tool. my pc is a tool. my pc is a tool that i have to make work, involving other tools, and end up dropping another couple hundered bucks into it. my mac works, unlike EVERY windows pc i have used. as for style. i would rather look at the g4 box than look at any other pc case. oh yeah. my pc is a tool that likes to change the way it works, making it difficult for me to use it, plus it likes to tease me and start to work, then crash. im sure my pc is laughing inside everytime this happens.
i cant see how these people can really say ms makes a better product. osX is far superior to XP. there is no question about it. as far as speed goes. my mac boots up faster than my windows computer. my mac stays up longer. and it just out performs all of my computers. i wish i could "hack" their site and populate it with a ShitLoad of pro apple material.
[ January 02, 2003: Message edited by: Xyle: Mac Commando ]
Hopefully some people reading it will type "fuckapple.com" into their inferior browser...and then find out what's really going on.
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