Operating Systems > macOS
Apple Doomed?
My standard answer as always:
More MHz on a Wintel just means you suck faster.
Bang for you buck? I'd say my being prefectly happy with a Blue and White G3 made in 1999 was a good investment, thank you very much.
Maybe that's why Apple doesn't sell as many computers. People can get so much life out of them.
[ January 02, 2003: Message edited by: cocoamix ]
quote:Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
fuck PCs? So I guess the Mac isn't a "Personal computer" then is it?
I agree mhz is a generally dumb way to measure speed. I read something in MIT Tech review about clockless CPUs that will be much faster than today's computers but measuring their speed in terms of "Mhz" is meaningless. I do stand by the opinion however that you can't get more bang for your buck than a self-built AMD-based PC running Linux. I built mine for $1400 dollars and that was a year ago. It has a geforce 4 and a 1.73 (2100+) Athlon CPU. Very fast. Doom 3, etc. will run nicely, and I won't have to worry about upgrading it for years and years. Macs aren't bad, and I agree the excessive power some intel-based computers have in them is pretty meaningless for today's applications, but that doesn't make the x86 based pc horrible. I think Windows is the main reason behind the perceived crappiness. That and shoddy hardware some OEMs put in their PCs to cut down on the price.
--- End quote ---
I completely agree with you about the AMD and linux being the best value. Now I do use Intel based machines, but none of these use Microsoft products, and all have some flavor of *nix on them . Also none have processor speeds higher than 433mhz. They do their jobs and they do them well. I just am sick of being categorized by mac users as an idiotic PC user when I am so much more.
apple dieing?
what next, are you going to claim *BSD is dying too?
i though this was the microsoft eradication society, not slashdot.
as for macosx for x86, the closest you might get would be openstep.
I just need to post todays comic.
[ January 03, 2003: Message edited by: fett101 ]
Sorry, for my previous post :D
I was being overly dramatic and inflamatory. Although, most of you kinda got what I was aiming for.
Hey, I don't catagorize PC users, they are fine in my book, it's winoids and lozer skrip Kiddie hardware junkies that get my goat. The same folks who still think Mac's have black and white screens and that you need a 2Ghz PIV to run solitair.
In any case, my athalon 1700XP with gforce4 was about 400bucks. It's a great toy, love RedHat 8, but it's not a replacement for any of my Mac's. I simply don't enjoy usining it as my main computer.
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