Operating Systems > macOS

Apple Doomed?

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Although I seriously doubt the possibility of ever having Mac OSX on x86 I would go out and buy it as soon as it came out.

But I guess I'm should use Darwin if I would want to have a powerfull OS on my computer =)

They were comparing Apple's profits with Dell's profits, starting in 1995. Well who had even heard of Dell in 1995? Now whenever you turn on the TV theres the Dell dude telling us to buy this crap. No wonder Dell has started smaller than Apple and gotten larger, no one had heard of them and now their commercials harass us! And then there's the fact that you can't compare a hardware company with a hardware and software company, not to mention the fact that Dell has support from dozens of other corporations including Microsoft while Apple is practically alone!


Im on a G4 400Mhz Ti Laptop. It runs fabulous!

What the fuck is 2Ghz for?

Jacking off to your PIV

fuck windows, fuck intel, fuck PC's

fuck PCs?  So I guess the Mac isn't a "Personal computer" then is it?

I agree mhz is a generally dumb way to measure speed.  I read something in MIT Tech review about clockless CPUs that will be much faster than today's computers but measuring their speed in terms of "Mhz" is meaningless.  I do stand by the opinion however that you can't get more bang for your buck than a self-built AMD-based PC running Linux.  I built mine for $1400 dollars and that was a year ago.  It has a geforce 4 and a 1.73 (2100+) Athlon CPU.  Very fast.  Doom 3, etc. will run nicely, and I won't have to worry about upgrading it for years and years.  Macs aren't bad, and I agree the excessive power some intel-based computers have in them is pretty meaningless for today's applications, but that doesn't make the x86 based pc horrible.  I think Windows is the main reason behind the perceived crappiness.  That and shoddy hardware some OEMs put in their PCs to cut down on the price.


quote: fuck PCs? So I guess the Mac isn't a "Personal computer" then is it?
--- End quote ---

i think the term "PC" is used generically for x86 machines running windows. Which is rather funny actually. Didn't Apple coin the term "PC"?? I do not  know my computer history that well, so i could be way off.


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