Operating Systems > macOS

Oh My God!!! The new iMac...

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Hey, now - the trash can was uncalled for! (;

FYI - The keyboard and mouse are seperate, and the top two models come with external speakers included.

I'll definitely be getting one, though; a 800Mhz G4, GeForce 2mx for graphics, and the ability to burn DVDs are just too alluring. When I first saw it, though, I thought, "God! What where they thinking!?!" However, the design started to grow on me after watching the video about it (the one where the iMac G4 is dancing to music).


quote:Originally posted by gump420:
Hey, now - the trash can was uncalled for! (;

FYI - The keyboard and mouse are seperate, and the top two models come with external speakers included.

--- End quote ---

What will they be going for?  It would surely look better on my kitchen table than that big ol' tower and the 19" monitor. Hopefully the keyboard/mouse are wireless. P.S. the trash can was awesome!

[ January 08, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]


My girlfriend saw your post and wasn't very happy about it, bedouin... heheheheheheh


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