Originally posted by ecsyle:
i didn't mean to come off as an asshole, and after rereading my post, that is what i sounded like...
i don't know about linux being the "poor man's OS". Redhat is a very good os. It is just not osX. its hard to explain jaguar. it just feels so steady. i guess its aqua that feels steady. but it rocks, and its worth the money. it just sucks you have to pay for it.
Well I payed 80 dollars for Red Hat 7, so that isn't really it. I know Linux isn't OS X. There are some very good things in OS X, like quartz extreme, and I can admit it. I just don't think OS X is *good enough* to justify it being non-Free. Actually nothing is "that good," so let me rephrase that: OS X is so good that I wish it were Free software. Not so I can get it to run on my ch34p PC necessarily, but because if the graphics layer in OS X were open source it could be implemented on Linux and then it would be trivial to port OS X apps to Linux. OS X runs all X11/Linux apps, and it would be cool if it worked the other way around. If apple is worried about M$ taking their software or something, they could put it under the GPL, and then only free OSes could use it. I guess nobody would use OS X if you could run Aqua on Linux though