Operating Systems > macOS


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I bought my CRT iMac about a week before they released the flat-screen one. Then one of my friends got one. Then he started taunting me about how much better his Mac was than mine (which, IMHO, was a far better matchup than when I'm up against a windoid..) but he said that he doesn't use OS X and that he prefers Classic because there's no OS 9 bootstrap time in between.

I almost cried.

WOW! What a waste, how the hell could he buy that splendid machine and throw it away on OS 9! Sad sad man.



quote:Originally posted by psyjax:
WOW! What a waste, how the hell could he buy that splendid machine and throw it away on OS 9! Sad sad man.
--- End quote ---

Oh well, he plays lots (and I mean lots) of EV: Nova, so perhaps it all factors out in the end.

EV: Nova is a sweet game! They don't have that  on PC... *gasp* a good game not on PC! Could this be!

 :D  he he.

The guys at ambrosia software rock, their IRC server is always filled with fans, and they try their best to be pals with every mac game developer on the planet.  

oh, and ev: nova would never be on the pc, because pc gamers look for eye candy, not gameplay. how else do you explain the multitudes of doom ripoffs on that platform?


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