Operating Systems > macOS
Ravuy's Anti-Mac Retard Spotlight #1
Yeah, it's an amazingly stupid, uninformed and downright ugly website. Last time it was modified was Sat, Feb 8, 1997 8:24:09 PM, which was a LONG time ago.
At the time, when things were not all that great for Mac (I don't even think the G3 was out yet), some of it might have been valid. That site has no reason for existing today, except as an embarassment to whoever made it.
And to save you time, every single anti-Mac link he provides is dead.
The Czar:
He suggests that the "Striped Fruit Apple Logo" is implying support for the homosexual community. Not that there's anything wrong with being a homosexual. Have you seen his name? Squishy Bear Pierre? I mean, come on, that's more homosexual than a striped logo.
His reasons for hating Macs are balls compared to the numerous and good reasons people heve for hating windoze. He is one of the people who should just stay in bed of a morning.
omg what a GEEK, look at what he put under his gay picture
"The above weapons being used to obliterate the Mac are an A-10 bomber dropping incindiery bombs, an M-119 howitzer, a 20-megaton atomic bomb, and a Microsoft
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