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« on: 3 September 2003, 16:35 »
Click here  ;)


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« Reply #1 on: 3 September 2003, 16:41 »
a lot of that is true from my experience with macOS9, but is it true of OSX? OSX users even poopoo OS9.

also, what is this about being able to do anything in DOS? HAH! compare that with the k shell (edit: no isn't it a C shell?) i believe you get with MacOS nowadays and you will find this editor needs to eat his words.

some of those criticisms are simply untrue also, i have had to remove the battery to shut down with a windows PC before, also in windows9x isn't dragging to the desktop just making a shortcut by default? (depending on the file type i think)

[ September 03, 2003: Message edited by: Calum ]

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« Reply #2 on: 4 September 2003, 05:21 »
The fact that he's copying media from a CD means this is kinda old.

Oh yeah, it doesn't tell you anything re: the COMMAND KEY, not the "cloverleaf" (I'm sure people from norwegian nations could tell me the name of this symbol, it appears on numerous roadsigns up there.) The command key is used in conjunction with option and esc to open the Force Quit dialog. This works. I use it to kill the Finder occasionally, as I run betas of 10.3, and it's not quite bug free. It's still better than Windows, where the Explorer goes down for no reason.

There is a 1 second delay between clicking a file's name and it becoming editable. If you're too moronic to figure out from the obvious state change (highlighted in black vs being blue and having a flashing cursor) then you need to go get a Super 8 camera and use an X-acto knife and splicing tape.

Mac OS hasn't made "shortcuts" on the desktop since 9.x. Mac OS X always assumes that dragging from one volume to another is copying. it's been this way since 10.0.0. OS X doesn't use the concept of multiple Desktop folders on multiple volumes. This never worked with CDs anyway, as the filesystem is read-only.

I wonder how many sticks of shitty-ass RAM that guy has. Obviously ALL OF THEM if his box crashes that much. Oh... either that, or he's a moron.

Files are only "completely gone" in 10.3 if you select "Secure Empty Trash", which overwrites the file with three passes of 0's and 1's. Prior to this, the file is just as "there" as it is on Windows. It's just that HFS deals with deleted files in a much more UNIX-like way. It's harder to get them back.

You can't undelete in MS-DOS on current PCs. MS-DOS IS NOT INCLUDED.

Norton Utilities for Macintosh is the worst data-recovery package available. If you want your file back, spend half as much and get Disk Warrior. It actually works.

If you have your computer in your bedroom with the display turned on at night when you're trying to sleep, YOU MIGHT HAVE A PROBLEM AND NEED TO SEE A PSYCHIATRIST. Turn off your computer, or at least put it to sleep, for heaven's sake.

If you can't find your files, here's a simple remedy. Go to, list your computer for sale. Then, complete the transaction with someone, take the money and go buy a gun. Something nice, like a Colt M1911. And now shoot yourself in the foot three times. Repeat for the other foot. Any remaining rounds should be used on your automobile.

Finally, when making boneheaded fake commercials, learn something about the platform you're going to insult before you do. It only makes you look like a fool when you say things about OS X that are obvious problems with OS 9 and earlier, which simply don't exist anymore.

Also, don't insult any OS built on UNIX, or Ken Thompson, void main, and a bunch of old dudes with beards will KILL YOU.

[ September 04, 2003: Message edited by: Jimmy James is COOL ]

Go the fuck ~


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« Reply #3 on: 4 September 2003, 05:40 »
This guy is obviously full of shit.


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« Reply #4 on: 4 September 2003, 07:10 »
True or NOT, it was funny   :D


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« Reply #5 on: 4 September 2003, 08:27 »
Originally posted by suselinux:
True or NOT, it was funny    :D  

fucking funny...

Most of it is true in 9.  I have had a lot of those same experiences in 9 and 8.  I have also accidentally renamed something in OS9.  But unlike renaming something in windows... and it crashing.  I can just firewire two macs together and fix it.  In X it is impossible to accidentally rename a system file without typing in an admin password.  However I also did this.  Accidentally deleted /usr/lib (i think).  I was actually deleteing an ln -s alias with the finder but it deleted both.  After that no programs could open.  I tried to drag it out of the trash can but it couldn't load the type in your password permission dialog.  So I held the button for 5 seconds and it turned off (which works on like all macs with any OS)  And plugged in a firewire cable from my PowerMac (broken one) to my ibook.  Then continued the repair.  Booted the PowerMac perfectly after that.  So don't delete your lib folders... especially permanently (which thank heaven I didn't rm -rf it)

I'm gonna put that mp3 on my ipod... then jimmy james reply in the notes... just to make me feel good.


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« Reply #6 on: 4 September 2003, 21:58 »
ahhhhhhhhh holy shit that was funny.
How can you say im crazy? You wouldnt know what crazy was if Charles Manson was eating Fruit Loops on your front porch.  -- mike muir/suicidal tendencies


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« Reply #7 on: 4 September 2003, 10:47 »
"cloverleaf, period, spacebar"???

Maybe that's why he can't get it to turn off? (-;

It was funny, though.  However, my favorite parody still involves a monkey.

[ September 04, 2003: Message edited by: maghor ]

I can't get over you until you get out from under him.