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quote:Originally posted by suselinux:
True or NOT, it was funny    :D  
--- End quote ---

fucking funny...

Most of it is true in 9.  I have had a lot of those same experiences in 9 and 8.  I have also accidentally renamed something in OS9.  But unlike renaming something in windows... and it crashing.  I can just firewire two macs together and fix it.  In X it is impossible to accidentally rename a system file without typing in an admin password.  However I also did this.  Accidentally deleted /usr/lib (i think).  I was actually deleteing an ln -s alias with the finder but it deleted both.  After that no programs could open.  I tried to drag it out of the trash can but it couldn't load the type in your password permission dialog.  So I held the button for 5 seconds and it turned off (which works on like all macs with any OS)  And plugged in a firewire cable from my PowerMac (broken one) to my ibook.  Then continued the repair.  Booted the PowerMac perfectly after that.  So don't delete your lib folders... especially permanently (which thank heaven I didn't rm -rf it)

I'm gonna put that mp3 on my ipod... then jimmy james reply in the notes... just to make me feel good.

ahhhhhhhhh holy shit that was funny.

"cloverleaf, period, spacebar"???

Maybe that's why he can't get it to turn off? (-;

It was funny, though.  However, my favorite parody still involves a monkey.

[ September 04, 2003: Message edited by: maghor ]


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