Operating Systems > macOS
What the fuck is this shit???
we will have to see for real when we get a chance to actually use the g5's. i would hate for Apple to be lying to us. huhm. or it means that windows pc users are actually scared and will say anything. or it could be that the code was written better for one system and not the other. or fuck. it means the x86 can do single tasks faster.
[ June 29, 2003: Message edited by: ecsyle:951 ]
This article is utter hogwash. They are trying to discredit Apple's tests for using a slower compiler, when it is the common compiler for both platforms. Of course, the PC will score higher if it uses a compiler by Intel or Microsoft, just like the Mac will score higher with a compiler from IBM. I don't know where the author gets that Apple uses a different compiler, as gcc was used for all the machines tested.
It shows how ignorant the author is when he dismisses the gcc compiler as almost unheard of, when it is the defacto standard in free UN*X operating systems. He even goes as far as claiming that Windows is the "native environment" of the x86! What a bigot!
[ June 29, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]
I looked at the tables in AMDzone (the site where the author apparently takes his figures), and they are very unprofessional. If you take a look, you'll notice that many processors are mislabled. A ridiculous mistake I found was "Apple 3GHz P4". Go figure. :rolleyes:
[ June 29, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]
Not to mention the fact that he uses the official Spec Scores that rated the Xeon. The spec tests to compare are diffrent, they try and level the playing field for both systems involved considering that you are comparing cross platform performance.
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