Operating Systems > macOS
What the fuck is this shit???
quote:Originally posted by Laukev7:
In any case, most of the articles that attempt to debunk the G5 so far have little credibility, and most of them fall in the same pitfalls as the ones I pointed out for this one. Whether the G5 is faster or not (which I believe it is), no one can deny that Apple is in a far better position, and their Powermac G5 is very competitive.
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I can agree with this statement... it just kind of scares me when people trust these big companies and don't even second guess them, thats all.
ok, let apple use an ultra tweaked ppc compiler (ibm designed ppc) agiasn't an ultra tweaked ix86 compiler (intel compiler) then compare the tests agianst gcc. that way apple will have conducted a slightly fairer review, and we will have an idea of where gcc needs to be improved.
but atleast this run, the g5 is a piece of ibm's work, a little power4. however, apples incrementalism bothers me. they should have used some form of liquid cooling, and pushed this thing to ridulus speeds. if it is quicker then a 3ghz p4 xeon at 2ghz, imagine what the g5 could do at 3 ghz or beyound. or if they went numa and use 4 of the them.... osx could run on numa hardware. and by now your probably thinkin "numa? holyshit, he's talking about sgi supercomputers". well, apple is great at bringing technolgy not usually associated with the desktop to the desktop, like 64bit machines, UNIX, and many others. so why not inexpensive numa
Pardon my ignorance, but what is 'numa'?
i dont know what it is but i want one.
lets see that would be #5,764,932 on my wish list.
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