Operating Systems > macOS

Apple has a decent commercial!! What's next???

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Ummm... where's QuickTime for Linux? (I just switched from Windows XP to RH8 today). Just looked on the Apple website, it says "Mac OS X v10.2.3 or later, Mac OS X v10.1.5, Mac OS 8.6/9,  Win 98/Me/2000/XP. Awww, don't tell me that... no...

There are other movie viewing programs such as VLC, which I think is for Linux. Just google it.

Ah, ok, thanks  

Yea that was a pretty cool commercial.  I think its gonna piss off a bunch of PC losers though.


quote:Originally posted by mushrooomprince:
Yea that was a pretty cool commercial.  I think its gonna piss off a bunch of PC losers though.
--- End quote ---

You called it


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