Operating Systems > macOS

ihateapple is back!

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Ctrl Alt Del 123:
In a way, you are kinda being one sided. If fuckmicrosoft.com can exist, ihateapple.com can exists.

Been to linuxsucks.com?

Shit, take anything and add "fuck" or "sucks" to it and you have the anti web site. (Except for fuckapple.com ;)

fuckfords.com, I claim it first!

We're not saying ihateapple.com can't exist, we're just saying it sucks. I posted a message in their forum asking why the site was back up and all I got was a string of meaningless insults. I burned the site pretty good in my last message though. it's called God Dammit! and its on the second or third page there if they haven't removed it.

why waste your time? a lot of the people in the world are idiots, and many more are apathetic, and some are just deliberately obstreperous. Take windows XP user -12 for example, he's just spouting shit to try and get a rise! which so far has worked, since his shit is written in fairly good english, and his tone suggests that he actually believes all that rubbish he talks.

the point is, you need to take idiots with a pinch of salt. Let them get on with it. they have their right to a choice too! Of course you have a right to needle them about it if you so choose also.....


quote:Originally posted by Ctrl Alt Del 123:
Been to linuxsucks.com?

--- End quote ---

Yeah, it looks like it was made by some script kiddie who damaged his partition map trying to install linux because he can't count.  

Ctrl Alt Del 123:
Look in the upper right hand corner of the linuxsucks.com web page........... disturbing........


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