Operating Systems > macOS

Skip the Restart?

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When I do an update in OSX that requires a restart, is there a way to just restart the "things" that it updated without restarting the whole computer?

When it's done updating you can force quit software update and you won't have to restart.  I don't think the update with take affect until you restart though, but I wouldn't recommend doing this, why not just restart?

I know you can just force quit it, but I don't wanna restart, I use my Mac as a server.  But I also want the update to take affect.  And now that Mac OS is Unix, I figured that it didn't "have" to be restarted after an update just like Linux doesn't have to.

i don't get the osx rebooting thing anyway

its built on mach for an unkown dietys sake. why it would need to shutdown at anytime i don't get. maybe its an apples for idiots kinda thing

Well, hit ps -e, figure out which (if any) components it updated, and kill -9 them.

However, I heard somewhere that OS X does some extra updating while booting after your restart (now that files aren't busy), so you might not have the full effect.


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