Operating Systems > macOS
Why my next computer won't be a Mac
I am planning on buying a new computer before I go to college since the computer I use is beginning to become a bit old and moldy. However, it was a dilemma for me exactly what to do since my money is very short and Windows XP has been pissing me off lately. So
gimp is much harder to use than photoshop, yes...
I'd own a mac too if they didnt cost so much, i really hate that about macs... thats the only reason im using a PC and linux... its actually affordable.
but if you really want a mac, iMacs are really not that bad...
i myself already have SuSE 8 preordered, i LOVE SuSE 7.3 and 8 looks even better. If computer gaming with newer games is one of your primary concerns... then your still stuck with windows... windows is a good gaming OS.
its just sad there is nothing thats perfect... everything has its ups and downs and you just have to decide what fits best for you
Windows is only a good gaming OS because all the games are written for it ;)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein actually performs better on Linux than it does on Windows for me.
You may think macs are expensive at first glance, but the power they dish out is unparaleld. Read the specs on the G4 and you realize that you are outperforming the Athalon XP by a mile. Bundle that with all the money you save on Janky hardware to support sound and graphics and you get a pretty comparable price.
Also consider the fact that a mac G4 tower is going to last you a very long time. If you like graphics apps then you better get a Mac running OS X. Photoshop 7 is incredible! And it's a fact, windoze versions of graphics apps blow compared to the counterpart. As games are to mac, so are graphics apps to windows.
As far as games go. I love games, never missed not having a PC. There are alot more games for Mac than you may think. Sure there are not tons of crap like in windoze, but the goodstuff has either been ported or is going to be. Mac gaming has been growing with the increesing popularity of the system and it's going to get better.
Besides, you already have a windoze box, so don't worry, keep it around and run OSX. I swear, the expense is worth it! If you are a student Apple will knock off a good chunck of the price.
Seriously, get a G4 tower. Even the dual 800 that I run, floors most x86. After using it for a while, im sure you will never go back to the Borg
Take the leap, It's worth it!
[ March 23, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
while i agree the expense is worth it, i simply cannot afford it unless i wanted to work a second job... then i wouldnt have any time to use it.
as far as your 'power' statements vs PC, mainly Athlon XP, your not exactly right... i have a dual 800 g4 tower at work and while it is impressive, i still would choose a duel athlon MP 1900+ set up that would still cost less... the macs dont outperform things as much as you think they do.
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