Operating Systems > macOS

Why my next computer won't be a Mac

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quote:Originally posted by Macman:
What is wrong with you people? Have you forgotten what we're fighting for here? The reason macs are so expensive is because of this attitude! This is exactly what Microsoft wants you to think. "I want to buy a Mac, but Macs are so expensive, so ill just stick with PC."
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Well it's true! Macs are more expensive so why should anybody think otherwise? Also, i reckon Sun Microsystems will bve the real big player on the horizon for M$, not Apple, no matter what anybody says...
Sure, Mac is more expensive in some ways, and sure, there aren't as many games,
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aren't there? i thought people were saying above that there are lots for the mac? even if windows does have more games, that's not much use if they all fail to load up properly and crash et c et c...  
quote:but buying macs will change that eventually! You are playing right into Billyboy's hands with that attitude.
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No, the original post in this topic is actually about dumping XP, and i fail to see how ditching XP in favour of, for example, linux is playing into "billy boy"'s hands. I could be wrong though actually, M$ have been pretty sneaky in the past, it could be a loss leader, or a tax dodge or something.

Macman... i think your confusing the term PC and Windows

in terms of speed, my 733 MHz G4 is fast, but many pc's are faster at the easy tasks. Apple is really falling behind in the speed department, nit just MHz but an equally priced athlon would be faster than a G4. Apple only has the advantage in the OS right now. I think the main reason people buy macs are

1) misinformed about speed (PIV's are faster at most tasks, G4's only pull ahead in some stuff in photoshop, and other advanced programs)
2) The Mac OS actually works, I think a lot of people just don't want to deal with windows. They probably figure, "go a little slower at everything and never have to stop and fix everthing"

This is unfortunate.  I'm quite sure the dual 800Mhz / 1Ghz Power Macs are horribly fast, but I'm not Mr. Moneybags.  The very most I could afford is a 933Mhz Power Mac.  It would cost me almost 2000 dollars, and that is without the SuperDrive, modem and only 256 MB RAM.  On the other hand I could build the most maxed out dual processor 1.5 gig RAM Super PC ever with that money.  How fast is a 933Mhz G4 processor in comparison to a similarly priced Athlon system?  Anyone have any references?

[ March 27, 2002: Message edited by: Garden GNOME ]

I mainly want a Mac because OS X with its open source UNIX core is the closest thing to "Linux on the Desktop" right now and you can also run Photoshop on it.  Sorry, but for me the GIMP needs a serious UI overhaul.


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