Operating Systems > macOS
Why my next computer won't be a Mac
Actually I have worked with dual 2gigaherts's here runing unix and Maya. They are pretty rockin.
Im just saying, as far as desktop use goes, the dual 800 is at least comparable, and for running PS7, illustrator, and other graphics apps. their deffinetly the way to go.
Should have held off tho, a couple of more month and I could have had the dual gigahert G4 :D , but for normal everyday computing I would venture to say that even something like the dual 800 is rather excessive.
All in all I think it depends what your going to do with the computer. All i meant by my statements (despite some excited exageration ) was that Mac's are whole lot more powerful than people give them credit for, that plus all the hardware software optimization and integration in the machines make them pretty fantastic.
[ March 24, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
i agree with psyjax the mac is worth every penny, i recently bought a dual 800mhz but decided to take it back and got the dual 1ghz and im loving it. i still have my pc running mandrake 8 and winMe but i havent touched it once since i got my mac.. i mean dont get me wrong it still usefull for something, but as far as i can see i can do anything better on my mac. at first i was aprehensive cause of the price but i just said fuck it, i know ill be happy when i get it home and was i ever.
[ March 24, 2002: Message edited by: Tux ]
Master of Reality:
quote:Originally posted by Garden GNOME:
I am planning on buying a new computer before I go to college since the computer I use is beginning to become a bit old and moldy. However, it was a dilemma for me exactly what to do since my money is very short and Windows XP has been pissing me off lately. So
goto stores and spend some time on a Mac. If you like it buy it. If not buy something and load Linux. End of story.
What is wrong with you people? Have you forgotten what we're fighting for here? The reason macs are so expensive is because of this attitude! This is exactly what Microsoft wants you to think. "I want to buy a Mac, but Macs are so expensive, so ill just stick with PC." No!
Sure, Mac is more expensive in some ways, and sure, there aren't as many games, but buying macs will change that eventually! You are playing right into Billyboy's hands with that attitude.
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