Operating Systems > macOS

tangerine ibook $$$

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lowendmac ibook page
lowendmac iBook prices

Okay, $71, but not a penny more!!!!!

I have no compulsion about pennies.  $71 *and* a penny more!  (beats macman at least...)
actually pennies are probably so old now that they may be worth a lot...  5 cents instead?  :D

Id say 200-350.... Id personlay offer $350, because even though it's slow, to me, you can never have enugh hardware. Especially laptops.

So Faust, if your interested at picking this baby up as an introductory Mac, let me say, with a bit more RAM it will make a VERY slow, OS X machine. It will make an excellent OS 9 machine, and it will run Yellow Dog Linux adequetly.

But if I were you, Id spend the money on a G4 from eBay, cuz G4's all run OSX great, even the 400Mhz models. I never liked G3's.

ok thanks for the advice psyjax.
sorry ecsyle...  :(
anyway like he said "you can never get enough laptops" and you would probably be able to get a better price than I could afford anyway...


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