Operating Systems > macOS
Wow, Windows XP is amazing!
quote:Originally posted by eradicator:
i love my mac and all, but if you compare a high end G4 against a high end P4 -- the G4 will get eaten alive on speed, and we all know this.
http://www.geek.com/procspec/procspec.htm -- just compare them. or just compare them in the "real world", and then you will notice Apple's benchmarks are biased.
--- End quote ---
Ya, but you nead a really high end PC. And if the program is AltiVec enabled, the PC can take a hike. Also, you gotta compare specific tasks. I have yet to see a bench mark that shows more than a 30% gain on the PC side against a full on G4.
True, the Mac vs PC debate really should be the Mac vs WINDOZE debate. I have absolutely nothing against a PC running Linux.
In fact, AMD/Linux is a fine combo. After all, it's not Wintel. Shit even Intel isn't all that bad. It's really just Windows that blows.
I have to say... that I could never take the Apple route. Only from a financial point of view.
EXAMPLE: The G4 Cube, 20gig hard drive, 64mb memory, 450mhz PPC (however fast that is?) with DVD-rom and two USB ports.(SEE LINK)
All for $1800.00 American. Does this seem right?
And Steve Jobs says that this is the "coolest computer on the market..."
Apple lovers do think differently (don't they?) :D CUBE
[ September 01, 2002: Message edited by: RudeCat7 ]
Hey, why censor a guy who believes so much in our goal? Macman has some good ideas, but I think the profanity kind of breaks the message. A damn good list of points and rebuttals, though, mate.
I love my Titanium Powerbook, and will never give it up, but I have no illusions of the G4 being faster than the P4/Athalon at much of anything (save RC5 and Shake anyway, where the Altivec unit can actually be used for something).
Raw speed > 'Elegance'
Thank you, have a nice day.
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