Operating Systems > macOS

Wow, Windows XP is amazing!

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You know what. I hate the fact that you lump all pc owners into the same group. Im a linux pc owner, which is 100% different than a Windows pc owner. My computer is fast, strong, secure, and stable, which is more than I can say for a lot of other systems including some macs. And its a bargain basement priced power house at that. For less than $100 I built my linux powered monster. No windows pc or mac can even come close in terms of price, security, services, and stabilit.

Oh by the way, you might not have noticed Apple struggling in the computer market, but I did.


mac users and linux users, both know the full difference between machine and operating system.

the problem is that while many linux users are happy to go on and on about how it's the system that makes the difference and not the machine (which is 80% true and i'll be the first to agree, since i am one of those people), many mac users seem to be too far up their own arses to admit that there is a difference between their mac and their macOS, and that ipso facto there is a difference between linux, an i386 machine and Microsoft windows.

No offence intended if you are reading this and you are a mac user who is not too far up your arse to admit this, but if you get pissed off by my comments, chances are i'm talking about you.

I said, Windows PC at the beginning of the post...

Less you were refering to Macman.

Being an avid Mac user I loathe to admit that there are certain things I wish Apple would learn from the Wintel world.

Backing up a moment, it has to be said that Apple has a great advantage in that it controls both hardware and OS...this in turn guarantees the consumer a high-quality product (more often than not). I hope this arrangement continues without much variance for the reasons described. On the flip side, this drives up the price considerably...and with the perceived lack of power, the numbers, even if only on paper, are likely to become the death of the sale.

Here's where my first statement comes in: for Apple to stay truly competitive, PPC updates need to happen on a more frequent timeline (akin to Intel/AMD) and only IBM can do this currently. IMO It would take quite a bit of time and work for AMD to retool their fabbing processes in order to accomodate PPC production. Obviously, Apple's albatros Motorola needs to be rid of and fast. And please, if you reply don't speak of Jag on x86...it ain't gonna happen. M$ would make sure of that.

But the hardware troubles extend beyond the processor into total system architecture. The only benefit to current Apple motherboards: integrated IO controllers like FW (where the hell is FW2?), GigEnet and better PCI bandwidth. Drawbacks include a crippled system bus (single 'pipe' @166Mhz) which only allows for a partial DDR implementation. Granted, the 'snort port' Macs have seen some decent improvements over the QuickSilvers of early 02...but not significant enough to make the purchase justifiable to most folks.

So, while most of us want to believe that our Macs are 'top of the line' or 'cutting-edge', one could really only say that about the OS (10.2 to be specific) without crossing his/her fingers behind his/her back. In essense, let's think and speak realistically about Apple's current position...things need to change and quickly. OS development is crucial, but the OS doesn't mean shit unless it has some decent hardware to run on.

I have faith in Apple and its leadership, but only time will tell how this saga plays out.

My $0.02

[ September 14, 2002: Message edited by: IvoryTower ]

Hey IvoryTower your opinion is good however I think  that it has to be more than system specs.

The "computer" was made to perform a task (mathematical) and that is all but people's interests in simulations, graphics and games drove the development of multipurpose computers. Anything a Macintosh computer can do that a PC can do will always (except maybe raw CPU speed) be better on a Mac because of the fact that Macintosh computers are more elegant, nice computers that you would actually want to use. Windows is a POS and linux is ok but none compare to other architectures os's.

To all mac bashers:
Stop complaining about what Macintosh computers can't do and move on!

To Macintosh lovers:
Help the Macintosh platform. Encourage its use and show people alternatives to Windos and Linux. Not everyone likes linux and Apple makes a good worthwile computer that can do more than people think they can.

I am learning Objective C so I can code stuff for Mac OS X.
Maybe an alternative to "Mac suxx, windows rulez" or "Windos sucks linux rules" should be something along the lines of "Support the platform that supports you!"


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