Operating Systems > macOS

Wow, Windows XP is amazing!

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or howabout, linux on an dual ppc mac, hmmm, lets see, kicks the shit out of x86 any day. probably kicks the shit out of macosx/*if linux can take advantage of alti-vec, my mplayer would probably be much faster*/ and is more familir of a unix the osx./*fucking /etc/fstab, what the fuck were they thinking*/ i wonder what macoxi is giong to be like. i mean, once down the UNIX path. its kinda hard to switch to something like classic style os. so as i was saying, use what makes you happy


quote:Originally posted by trc3:
[QB]There is no way in hell a pc users is going to convince a mac user to switch, and vice versa, the only way people switch is by using the other and deciding witch they like better.
--- End quote ---

Umm, thats a load of crap. I have already convinced two of my good friends to switch to mac. One of them is now the happy owner of a Flat Panel iMac, and the other purchased an iPod and hopes to purchase a Mac for college. And yes, I am obviously a mac user.


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