Operating Systems > macOS

Wow, Windows XP is amazing!

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Ya Macman is cool, but he gets into his fanatical tyrades. He means well, even though he refuses to diferentiate between PC's and Windoze in hes posts  :D

Tone it down bud.


quote:Originally posted by trc3:
By all means I like mac hardware and software much much more, ive had less problems with both, but one thing Ive grown tired of is the mac vs pc[x86] battle.  There is no way in hell a pc users is going to convince a mac user to switch, and vice versa, the only way people switch is by using the other and deciding witch they like better.  Its like my friend, he likes heavy metal, I like hip hop, but do I argue with him all day witch is better and why?  No because im happy with what I like and he's happy with what he likes.  Bottom line thier are pluses to think about when buying either one, it all depends on what your doing and what you like.


What if I dont want a better computer, what if I just want something to type papers on. It would be more reasonable to buy a cheaper pc, so would I be moron for thinking rational?

The topic of this is: Wow, Windows XP is amazing!
but you go on about x86 and so on and never really mention winderz at all.

[ August 31, 2002: Message edited by: trc3 ]
--- End quote ---

Hip-hop, Heavy metal? Fuck You! I like Enya..
He Hee.  

And yeah I agree people are stubborn and tribal, they usually don't change unless they happen to have a revelation.

mac vs PC! yes i have heard macman go on and on about how Microsoft is his real pet hate, but if he can't watch his fucking language then he can shove his fucking pc garbage up his arse for all i care.

Why that stupid PC vs. Mac battle? Some like that machine, so like that... it's the software that runs a computer that makes the real difference, the less the computer itself... and some people like Macman must remember that their is a difference between a PC and Windows. (no offence)

i love my mac and all, but if you compare a high end G4 against a high end P4 -- the G4 will get eaten alive on speed, and we all know this.

http://www.geek.com/procspec/procspec.htm -- just compare them. or just compare them in the "real world", and then you will notice Apple's benchmarks are biased.


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