Operating Systems > macOS


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or you could just wait a little while and get the next generation up, the first Quicksilvers.

I'd pay $500 tops.

My rule of thumb for Macs is about $1 per Mhz for G3 and G4 systems, or at least that's my observation for how much they go for on ebay.


quote:Originally posted by cocoamix:
I'd pay $500 tops.

My rule of thumb for Macs is about $1 per Mhz for G3 and G4 systems, or at least that's my observation for how much they go for on ebay.
--- End quote ---

Unless it's a laptop:
Powerbook G3's: 250 + $1/MHz
iBooks (any): 300 + $1/MHz
Ti's (15''): 800 + $1/MHz

A good system though!

[ March 14, 2003: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]


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