Operating Systems > macOS

powerbook past its prime

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yeah, i looked there and it doen'snt support that laptop. and i still am suspicios of any computer that cannot run NetBSD

by any chance would this pcmcia card be compatible
with my powerbook, well, probably too late cuase i already bought it but here goes
asante friendlynet 10bt
at least thats what i think it is called

would anyone be interested in buying the damned thing off of me, maybe like a mac hacker or so. it is a powerbook 1400cs with a 233 mhz g3 upgrade card. i don't have the drivers to enable the l2 chache under os9.1/*or any macos*/ it has 48 megs of ram. and i think a passive matrix lcd, i think. the front of the cdrom drive is off, and the little part in the back that covers the wires going to the lcd is gone, it would not fit when i had the replace the old lcd in it. some were there are pictures if you want.

just restating the features in one place for advertisement  :D


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