Operating Systems > macOS

powerbook past its prime

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the card is a etherlink 3, model name 3c589d-tp, there is no info on 3coms website about it other then windows(CE) cement edition support, i could only find drivers for members of the terrible wintel family of computers and the only other card i have is from xircom, and well, the company that made x86 infamous owns them so, no luck on it, i guess i am just going to have to spend another 50 bucks on this thing

Hnnn... Hey chaos, if you have an incompatable card, see if this is what you want?


If it is not, check thrugh the rest of the site, they are bound to have something.







One more thing, why not get an airport card? I don't know if an older laptop can use one, but they are real snazy! You can do all your LAN, Ethernet, even dialup, thrugh the Airport. At least that is my understanding.

One last thing, are you sure you can't run OSX on your laptop? My understanding is that the latest version fixed alot of the Laptop issues with the old model G3's. You may want to look into that, also, Mandrake and YellowDog are good Linux distro's if you want a pure *NIX environment.

[ June 10, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

nice, but that is way out of my budget, well thanks for the site so i can look for a cost effective card

The Farallon 802.11b PCMCIA cards work great with all PCMCIA model powerbooks, I understand. Might be worth your time to take a trip to their webpage, they make great network kit.


quote:Originally posted by choasforages:
well, you can run osx on a g3, but this was origianly a 603e. the guy i got it from put a sonnet g3 card in it, on apples site it said that only up to mac os 9.1 is compatible with it, i even tried to install 9.2 but it told me that it is not compatible with that model of powerbook.
--- End quote ---

You can run a program called X Post Facto (It's free) find out about that and download it at: http://eshop.macsales.com/OSXCenter/XPostFacto/


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