Operating Systems > macOS
OSX ON PC?????
quote: cripes and jinkeys
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(I only wish I knew what it meant....)
Something important to remember: whenever you hear someone from the UK say a word you don't know, it probably means penis.
quote:Originally posted by MEOWMIX:
omg i used all caps no way!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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Are you retarded?
Master of Reality:
erm.... uhhh... i dunno what to say.... but i feel this thread is relevant enough to macs to not send it far away.... what with all the jinkeys and cripes an' all.
[edit... fixed "jingeys" to "jinkeys"]
[ June 08, 2003: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]
quote:Originally posted by The Master of Reality / Bob:
erm.... uhhh... i dunno what to say.... but i feel this thread is relevant enough to macs to not send it far away.... what with all the jingeys and cripes an' all.
[ June 07, 2003: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]
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Cripes and jinkies! GET IT RIGHT, DAMMIT!!!
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